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  1. wow... I admired your bravery. I'm also a silent viewer. I have a 3ft tank but keep mainly fishes and abit of Yuma. My tank looks pale in comparison with yours. However I like to do rescaping to my tank and have started preparation for that. But still I'm worried I might kill my live stock. Any advise?
  2. Hi,

      Hope you didn't miss the pm I sent to you. I can pick up the live rocks for $30 this sat pm.




  3. HI, I would like to have the tonga rocks and can meet up tonight at about 7:15pm at yew tee. thks My contact: 96473678. Nelson
  4. You can check with gemsurfs... good salt mix http://www.gemsurfs.com/msalt.html
  5. thks for your reply... sounds dangerous to keep... maybe i should skip this one...
  6. hi, i looking for Tiger sea cucumber. And is it safe to keep? thks in advance Nelson.
  7. Hi Guccivera, Thks for the photos. The red shrimps are they fire shrimps or something else? thks nelson
  8. Hi, Appreciate any kind soul pm me the price of the multi bar angel. thks Nelson
  9. Since there is such parasite in the tank, is good idea to put on hold. When I had the problem, I resisted the temptation to introduce any new fish or coral but just concentrate maintaining good water quality and keep feeding the fish.
  10. Hope your pbt will recover. If got QT, best to separate it. It does spread to other fish. However, if the others are strong, possibly they may survive. I had a similar situation 1 YT and 1 PT and 1 pdt. Pdt was infected and later died. the other 2 survive till this day.
  11. I thought about that question when setting up my tank. My chiller is near the main door. I have my main door open and if the wind direction is not right, I turn on my fan to blow it out.
  12. I like to add a thought for keeping clams is the temperature is very important. At about 26 degree C is good.
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