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Everything posted by Randy

  1. My poor YT has its eye gone overnight and now its swimming on top of the tank. Does anyone encounter this and able to deduce the cause of it? could it be the hairy crab that hides in the rocks? or because of the itch. I think she has some white spots but not as serious as the other fishes to get she eye out. sob..sob...
  2. anyone selling any marcoalgae let me know thanks.
  3. Can FR/CR or PR put in the sump? or does it has to be external? Anyone selling in the east? PM me, thanks.
  4. can i buy those chinese version from medic shop? must really from jp?
  5. i see anywhere from the east? like tmp or simei?
  6. wont the garlic smell the whole tank?
  7. whats nori? how do soaked them? I am feeding the fishes with lettuce.....
  8. how do i cure tangs with white spots..
  9. is this a new /old model? i have seen gray covers for 0.5 hp..
  10. I tried mineral water bottle trap when it just gets here the hole and wouldnt go in..any better sugesstion? or any equipment to catch them? thanks.
  11. anyone witness any LS really take in debris effectively..?
  12. heard sand shifter star is not good....sea cucumber may excret toxic when stress...
  13. I have lots of debris on the sand. what is the best way to remove them? i used graval cleaner but its difficult cause the sand will be sucked up as well ;(..added some nassa snails but invain.What eats them...
  14. 1.5 ft also preferred..if have..
  15. looking for 2 ft light for sump rearing chaeto..thanks.
  16. ya would like to buy the FR but very far wor west side.
  17. is it dangerous to keep the sea cucumbers? feel like buying...
  18. i just added nassa snails as advised ...hmmm dont see any aggressive reduction of red slime hehe..got only 7 left from ah beng shop
  19. what is the different between using FR and just pack the media in a bag and just let water floww thru it?
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