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Everything posted by Randy

  1. anyone seen bright green like grass star poly? or anyone selling? thanks.
  2. whats the diff between the two? whats the market rate for both? thanks.
  3. any idea the market rate for the coral? thanks.
  4. hmm..been to the east farm and see no sun corals...wa damn far from simei where i stay...lck...
  5. ermm need to feed them really? very ma fan wor..any alternatives to keep this guy without manual feeding? kekek.....
  6. is sun coral difficult to rear? anyone seen them lfs nowadays or selling them? thanks.
  7. updates: i moved my jewel under a shelter (less light) and it starts to grow again.but this time not as flourish as in the past. Funny when i bought it, it gives me an impression that it open up when it meets light. this has been one week and it stretches to the max on when i turn on the lights. But now it requires less light...
  8. ya pasir ris have but all small small...
  9. Hey does anyone has experience seeing white patch of cell stick to the sump wall? thanks.
  10. no problem with the flow rate i guess cause i have a wavemaker putting slidly above half the height of the tank and this guy stays at the bottom..my temp for now is set to 28.9. Now set to 28.5 to see any difference before making any conclusion. I observe my sand starts to turn brown so i suspect of high phos. After measurement it seems fine last night, even though i went to lfs in the afternoon to buy more phos remover.
  11. nritate and phostrate seems ok...kh also ok..
  12. anyone selling blue or red mushies...?
  13. I bought a jewel one week ago and found that it has opened bigger when i switch on the light...this has been ok since after one week, it stopped extending its length and only open the tips. Not so sure what has happened. anyone encounter this problem? does jewel requires strong light? I put in on the sandbed of height 2.5 ft. using only t5 light.s thanks.
  14. yeah maybe aluminium foil haha..just joking...going to DIY shop for advise. Thanks!
  15. what is the name of the material call used to insulate the water host tube as cold water going through? and where to buy?
  16. Anyone knows any material that can be put on the wall so that it wont turn dark after prolong heat release from the chiller? or any way i can direct the heat release to a specific direction? thanks.
  17. what is the basic and most important things to check when buying a 2nd hand chiller?
  18. any ways to check on the power consumption before buying? lol.... any comments on pacific coo if u have experience using? thanks.
  19. actually my estimated volumn is around 570 ltrs
  20. for the past 6 mths..nope..no chillers..but yes i should be getting one soon...hope the water parameter is adjusted and coraline algae starts to grow...(cause some of the algae on live rocks turing white)...
  21. i had simiar experience..put carbon to reduce the smell, try to clear as many decay stuff as possible as suggested above. its true that most bacteria getting killed in this way...but it can be revived by as active bacteria solution or bacteria starter tablets from lfs....
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