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Everything posted by MadScientist

  1. <p> It wasn't really high all along. It has low levels, as advertised, so similar to natural seawater, corals can't feel the difference. Now, even test kits can't see the difference.
  2. Use a contactor, like mine. Designed for industrial 3 phase motor. Handles up to 450v.
  3. How did you know which model I am using?Haha For our model, max current output on control side is 2A. Safer to use a relay as most chillers draw more than 2A. Need to also factor that initial draw when kicking in is usually higher momentarily.
  4. currently temperature controller is decommissioned due to controller reading lower temperature than chiller controller. both controllers are reading the same initial and final temperatures. chiller currently kicking in for 3 minutes at every 10 minutes. It seems cooling a 3L water is very expensive and difficult.
  5. Need, one of the neutral wire is connected to the chiller from power source. The controller sits in between the live wire from power source to chiller. Do note you need to provide power to the controller, which means you need to have a live and neutral to the controller's power input as well. The controller just acts as a switch on the line where you placed your chiller and power source. I mod and tested mine, works brilliantly. Will post pictures real soon, maybe tomorrow.Mine is controlling both chiller and a fan, which acts as exhaust fan for chiller. Let me know your brand and model of controller, I will post you a step by step.
  6. Haha, that's a compliment. Anyway, bo is very useful. Too bad you quitted, wanted to get quite a few stuff
  7. Quite simple. 2 goes to probe. 2 goes to live of chiller. 2 goes to power, if i am not wrong.
  8. Sim lim tower b1,acez. I haven't bought mine yet, haha
  9. Thanks. Must I set the chiller's built in controller to be slightly lower than the external controller?
  10. anyone know how to hook up an external temperature probe to arctica chillers? can't really find much information on this.
  11. Why not use marine grade stainless steel? Aluminium is not very saltwater corrosion resistant
  12. Maybe he using street light as his lighting, need to build a lamp post? Haha
  13. Tunze is fine, just very sensitive to water level, like numerous in-sump models
  14. Bro, skimmers are more efficient when cleaned regularly, haha. I got a hob to let go if you want, haha.
  15. Quite a lot. In the wild, they do have tunnels in mud which helps to reduce salinity. However, in the tank, more energy is being used to remove salt from the water, hence, they are less effective in growing. Usually take around 2-5 stalks in a small tank before seeing any effect
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