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Everything posted by odi

  1. Then what did u put in your tank to start cycling?
  2. Maybe I should paste a pic of you on one side of the tank.
  3. Here's the info on Coral Farm Coralfarm
  4. Been like that for the past few days. Thanx for all the advise. Will try to find a female flame wearing g-string to temp it out. Saw one at Newton the other nite, except that she was not wearing g-string and had flesh showing everywhere . What a 'FLAME' Angel Still not forgetting the sight, that's y I was so tempted to mention it as soon as I saw the word tempt
  5. Hi, I bought a flame angel about a week back. On the first few days, it was chased around by my purple tang. I managed to catch the purple tang and isolated it in a plastic container in the main tank. However, my flame angel is still hiding behind the live rocks and does not come out to feed. It's still alive, saw it yesterday hiding behing the rocks. I'm very concerned. Any advise. Thanx.
  6. As usual, there were no price tags. Price depends on size and type as usual.
  7. Lots of Regal tang (S, M and L) at Pasir Ris. Also still have a lot of clams there.
  8. Regal tang in Yishun? Address and shop name pls.
  9. Any stand? How much for the whole thing (including LR)?
  10. odi

    Tank Scrubber

    Hi, Can I have it? Thanx.
  11. Was at Reborn Yesterday and the day before. No small PBTs. Only Large ones. Was told that there will be stock coming in today and tomorrow.
  12. I have this problem too. Was wondering why my new fishes keep dying untill I saw my purple tang chasing the new flame angel. Anyone has any remedy or advise? Will putting the new fish in a small bottle (like some lfs) and leave it in the tank for a few days help? thanx.
  13. Pls reserve the followings for me catseye bubble Green hammer (1 branch) Plate coral Jewel Pumping xenia Can I drop by tomorrow. Just state time available. SMS me at 94554965. Thanx.
  14. Hi, Just to inform that the credit card thingy works!!! My tank is now very clear. Thought I had some water issues but finally found out that it's cos of the algae on the tank wall. Thanx to everyone for the advise. Cheers.
  15. Thanx for the advise. Yes, my tank is glass. Will try using green pads when I get home today.
  16. Hi, I have the same problem with green algae too. The irritating thing is that I am unable to remove the algae that grows on the glass walls with my magnet. Tried using a piece of sponge also no effect!! Thinking of using green pads. Will it scratch my tank or anyone has other alternatives? Thanx.
  17. Pls reserve for me. SMS me at 94554965. Thanx.
  18. Pls reserve one for me. Like the others, will coonfirm after looking at pic. thanx.
  19. Will I have the same problem with PT and sailfin tang?
  20. Hi, Sorry for the late reply. Reserved by Marine Dreamer. Will reopen if he aeroplane. Thanx.
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