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Everything posted by odi

  1. I'm referring to the standard type. Not the multi.
  2. Hi, Anyone used the abovementioned PS before? Can mod to use out of sump? Thanx.
  3. IMO either get an overflw box or get a new tank. I was in the same dilemma when I started my tank. Decided to get a new tank.
  4. Any regal blue? Lookin for one around 1.5 inch in length.
  5. My bro will have to remember it. Once again, thanx to all.
  6. 1) evileel 2) Razo 3) typrobin 4) Ancelot 5) damsel-in-distress 6) Yus 7) Orgasbt 8) sunny03 9) Odi
  7. Thanx for the tip. Followed your instructions and the filter is now working.
  8. Was at Paradiz Reef just now. PBT Fire shrimps Cleaner shrimps Cerith Snails Harlequin Shrimps Blue and Orange Linkia
  9. We opened up the canister and filled it up with water. There is a weter level in the canister filter. Is there anywhere in particular that I need to fill up?
  10. Hi, My brother bought a JEBO Canister filter yesterday and I tried to help him set it up. After fixing it up, the filter was not working, i.e no water suction. There was however a `noise' coming from the canister. Any tips? Thanx.
  11. How much and what's the recommended tank size? Thanx.
  12. It's this one. Liveaquaria says it's from Hawaii.
  13. Having this prob too. Looking high and low for peppermint shrimps. Heard they will do the trick.
  14. Calciumreef or Dr Evil rite?
  15. One more thing, Dr Evil's DIY do look very professional.
  16. As u mentioned, commercial products does not meet your specs, that's why I suggested DIY.
  17. Get Dr Evil to DIY one for u.
  18. Caught my Purple tang thrice already. 1st time Food in net fish swin to food fish in net 2nd time Fish smarter already Food in net Fish never go near net Food get out of net Fish swin for food Use net to catch fish 3rd time Fish very smart Always wait for food to go in between rocks Fish asleep at 2am Switch on light Fish very blurr Use net to catch Just sharing my experience.
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