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Everything posted by odi

  1. I know ML, Ocean Planet and Reborn accept cards. Don't think the rest accept. buy buy buy
  2. Feel lost without it. Hope it is brought back.
  3. I'm puzzled too...tried buying another salifert NH4 test kit but also showed zero reading.
  4. Can recommend height of the water? Thanx.
  5. Added only one fish at any one period. Any advise?
  6. What do u mean? Cud it be because of ammonia?
  7. Even tried getting from CF. U mean my friend did'nt quarantine prperly or the LFS? Thanx.
  8. Hi, As above, using a weipro 4000 pump. Skimmate very watery. Any tuning required? Thanx.
  9. Hi, Got a friend who has this problem. New fishes die on the 7th day after introducing into the tank. Example of fishes are flame angel, sailfin tang, bt and pbt. Only survivors are chomises, gobies and shrimps. Has octo and hammer doing well in the tank. Parameters are NH4 - 0, NH2 - 0, NH3 - 10. Water tested with salifert test kits. Using 150w mh and chiller keeps water at ard 27degrees. anyone has any idea why this is so? Thanx.
  10. I've been there before but when I perform a search on Yellowpages.com.sg, aquastar is listed to be in Pasir Ris. Don't know why. Anyone has the full shop info so that I can post it in the LFS Directory listing section?
  11. Nolah, in fact I found out about it after I volunteered.
  12. Thanx. Just doing what I can to help. Will need everyone's help to keep it updated though. Hope fellow reefers benefit from it. BTW, I PMed u regarding access to the RA forum. Any chance my requesst can be granted?
  13. Hi, Just bought the paper type thermometer. Need advise on how to stick to the tank? Thanx.
  14. Thanx bro. Looking for stand type to supplement my mh, not hood. Cheers.
  15. I'm looking for one too. Pls also let me know. Heard the regal blue is not in season.
  16. Suggest u check your water parameters. Never had any problems with my shrimps. BTW, what's CF?
  17. I think it's the water flow/movement in the tank. Nothing to do with filtration.
  18. How high a flow rate is good enuff? I have a similar tank and have problems with circulation. Sandbed quite dirty.
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