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Everything posted by odi

  1. Are they still available? PMed u but u did not response.
  2. How about using an -box. BTW, I think u posted in the wrong section.
  3. If the eden 228 is still in gd condition, pls reserve for me. Contact me at 94554965. Thanx.
  4. I know that shop. The fishes are ok so far. LPQ quite cheap too.
  5. odi

    Algae Blenny

    Telok Blangah Crescent. Just to inform that I saw this fish chasing my blue tang. Thant's why I'm giving away.
  6. odi

    Algae Blenny

    Giving away one algae blenny. Self collect and bring own bag.
  7. Unlikely. It was swimming and feeding happily the day before. Any ideas on how to catch this tricky fish?
  8. I have been missing fishes every once in a while. Tonight, I saw my blue tang which has been missing since morning. I twas half dead. The same blue tang was swimming and feeding actively last night. To my horor, I soon saw my algae blenny swimming to the blue tang and bite it. The blue tang frantically tried to swim away but the blenny gave chase. Is algae blenny known to be agressive? Liveaquaria classifies this fish to be peaceful. I also have a smaller scorpion blenny. Is this fish also agressive?
  9. Sailfin reserved. thanx for the interest
  10. Been feeding pellets and frozen bs
  11. Anyone interested pls contact me at 94554965. thanx
  12. Sorry but pic quality not gd.
  13. Equipment? Thinking of getting a maxijet. Anyways, for those who's wondering how much I would part it for, I'm thinking of $20. It's a red sea sailfin, not the Fiji one which is cheaper.
  14. No interest in keeping eels. Thanx.
  15. Got a Sailfin tang (around 2 inch) that I bought from LCK110 for sale or trade with a regal blue tang (2 inch). I have kept the sailfin for more than a month. Reason for letting go is that it is aggressinve.
  16. Still no news on the price? Waiting to know how much it would cost before deciding.
  17. Can contact me also? Thanx.
  18. Just got a bottle for myself too. Now I pay less for more. Used to buy 'home-made' cultured phytos from fellow reefers. I think that this is a high quality value for money product which makes 'sense' to buy. However, I do hope that there would be more info on the bottle. Got my info from the Aquaz website. Bet it would make the product even more sellable. Looking forward to try more Aquaz products.
  19. Sorry to hijack, I'm also ooking for 150w DE MH bulbs.
  20. Hi, Recently have hair algae growing in my tank. Just got a Salifert PO4 testkit. PO4 measured below 0.03. Could the hair algae growth be caused by my bulbs. Noticed that my MH is getting yellowish. What else could be the cause? Thanx.
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