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  1. Ahhhhhh You still have not answer my main question What size is the plumbing
  2. Yes I'm referring to the hose clamp, if it's not submerge in water. With cable ties maintenance is quite troublesome, need to cut and use new ones. What size is your overflow PVC? 1" or 1.5"? Thanks.
  3. Hi Seamonkee, I didn't see any hose clamp on your flexible hose connections, do you intend to install any hose clamp? What is the size of the pvc pipe for the overflow? Very nice setup.
  4. Hi, Most Tangs are big bullies. If your 6 footer have enough rocks to create sufficient hiding place, IME most dwarf angels are perfectly OK, but bear in mind that they are not 100% reef safe. I'll stock the expensive one first just to play safe and keep watch at your damsels . Add in the Tangs last.
  5. Thanks alot I got my 7i at about $1800, when it just arrives in market. Not much choice during that time with the big zoom and 28 - 200 mm focal length. Learning from someone is always easier than trying to figure out what the manual says.
  6. Bro onghm, Great photography skills . I'm using Dimage 7i also but never got a shot close to yours. Can you share your camera settings? Are you using manual focus? Thanks.
  7. Maybe you didn't read my post clearly, ie. paying a premium for a "so-call" best equipment that does not give you the premium performance, the technology has evolve to a stage where the performance gap is very close, in the context of protein skimming. The key here is "value for money" So can you tell me which reefer has all the best equipment? So what equipment do you have? Even the experts in the industry have different thought and methodology. Do you think you're as good as them? The world is not as big as you've imagine brother, if you've seen bigger things
  8. Seems like all of you are not really concern about the cost versus performance. The "value for money" factor is not being discussed at all . I don't think I would like to pay 50% more for a so-call best performer which performs only 5% better than others. There isn't a best skimmer that is best for each reefer, just like there is no best car, no best beer, no best medicine, no best "everything that you can imagine", otherwise it will be a monopolised situation. Getting the right thing at the right time, right place and in the right hands will serve it's needs , that's where experience counts. You think a beginner with all the so call best equipment can "reef" better than AT or any other experienced reefer? Now SRC is getting more interesting
  9. Hi All, Very easy modification, just get a bigger dimension PVC and make it to U-shape. Ian, you've taken some photos of my tank, maybe you can share it?
  10. Hi kschew1498, I'm using I-box but I modified the U-tube because the original one was not able to support my return pump. So far I do not need to siphon the air, it's about 4 months now. The easiest and most effective way to siphon the air is to use a powerhead with air in-take. Connect the air tube to the powerhead and stick the other end of the air tube into the U-tube. Initially you will see lots of bubble being pump out of the powerhead. You'll know when it's done when only water but no air is being pump out. With the air tube from the powerhead you can move it around freely in the U-tube to ensure 100% air removal. I've showed Ian how I did it when he visited my tank, maybe he got no time to update his website I know the frustration of drinking salt water .
  11. Fixture wise Arcadia is the best. I'm using Arcadia Overtank Luminaire and Deltec T5
  12. Congrats, cardinal fry is one of the easiest to raise. Check out this link: http://www.breeders-registry.gen.ca.us/Art...rini/marini.htm
  13. Yes, I believe it's the Tetra test kits problem. Last week I tested my water after running for 1 month and it shows >100 mg/l. Initially panic and starts preparing for salt mix. But after recovered from my nervous breakdown, I decided do a test on my fresh water tank and it still shows >100 mg/l. Now after 1 week all my fish are still well and alive Anyway will be doing a 10% water change tomorrow.
  14. It won't reduce much. Fan will not be able to lower the temperature of your sump much because most of the heat comes from the main tank. When I place my fun on my main tank, it reduces from 31 to 27 degrees. If placed on sump, main tank temperature is 29-30 degrees.
  15. Hopefully is just die off. Will monitor next few nights again for predators.
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