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Everything posted by clownfish_forever

  1. Hi bro, Just wondering if anyone has seen any in-tank refugium product in Singapore? such as this... http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=3621 Thank you.
  2. Hooray! Problem resolved...sigh...figured out the hydrofoamer is not at the right position. Now the skimmer is running with 100% efficiency...tons of relief
  3. Thanks. I saw Fauna Marin - Ultra AlgeaX which is available in Madpetz. Not sure if anyone has used it...
  4. Thanks. My aquarium is 300++ litres and read that Tunze 9006 is recommended for up to 600 liters.
  5. Hi brothers, Need some expert advice here. Any view will be good A little background. My aquarium nitrate level has always been high > 50ppm. I purchased a biopellet reactor and turned it on for 3 weeks but I do not see dropping the nitrate level although I witnessed bacteria bloom due to the cloudy water. Subsequently I had advice that it may be due to my skimmer. Was using Weipro which I know is a not a good brand. Hence I decided to turn off the reactor for the time being while I sourced for a new skimmer and got my Tunze 9006 and had break-in since installation last friday. I am getting dark skimmate although not a lot. Now my questions are: 1. Should I turn on my biopellet reactor now? Since skimmer seem to be running? Or should I wait for a few days or weeks before running the reactor again? 2. Since I off the reactor my aquarium has an algae bloom. Mostly diatom and hair algae and some cyano observed. Was it because i didn't have a good skimmer? That time Tunze 9006 haven't come in yet. 3. Also I read that biopellet can create cyano problem. That is puzzling because I thought biopellet is supposed to reduce nitrate? Unless cyano don't use nitrate? Thanks.
  6. Reef Depot still have abit of spare part stock - depends on what you looking for. I just bought the skimmer extension kit from them this afternoon You may want to email or call them to check.
  7. Thanks! I will try out the pail method. As for the manual, ya...I saw that page 21 but that was for operation in aquarium. If you see page 45, "In aquarium cabinets, the Comline DOC skimmers permit a very effective skimming process in a small space; they can be positioned discreetly in a corner of the cabinet. They are insensitive to differences in water levels from 100 to 280 mm (3.9 to 11 in.)".
  8. Thanks! The odd thing is that when I refer to the manual, it says for sump operation, minimum is 3.9 inches... I have looked up some website and they also said the same stories - if in main tank, need to be near Tunze marking...if in sump, use extension kit and water level can be lower. Are you also using it in your sump?
  9. I realised that I am missing the extension kit needed for sump operation so I have bought and installed the skimmer exactly based on manual. BUT...after powering the skimmer, I definitely hear the skimmer 'boiling' but I dont even see the water level being pushed up... Is it supposed to push up the water level and then foam will form eventually? I took a photo of the skimmer 'boiling' but can see the boiling is happening quite low the chamber. My water level is around 5 inches which is higher than 3.9 inches minimum as stated in manual. Is this normal and I simply have to wait? HELP...lol
  10. Hi bro, Need some advice on Tunze 9006 skimmer. Just acquired one and was trying to set it up in my sump. Can see the photo attached. I just installed it happily in my sump and powered on .... and no foam ... The manual mentioned to open the air screw by turning it 3 full rounds for the first 24 - 72 hours so I have done that (red circle marks the air screw) As you can see obviously the water is below the recommended level. Not sure if it will affect whether there is no foam yet? Or is this normal and I just need to power it on and let the skimmer settle in? Since there is no foam, I am worried that the skimmer is not working properly so I am turning it off at the moment. Thank you for any advice.
  11. Wrasse? I have an Adorned wrasse which is good in picking up pellets from the sand floor.
  12. Next time try doing fish trap. it works for my dottyback and damsels. One thing is dottyback cannot stand another dotty so can also tape a small round mirror at the base of a clear bottle and lure it in.
  13. Can reference from http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/aquarium-fish-supplies.cfm?c=420
  14. Ya...but epoxy takes longer to cure and make the skimmer crazy which I absolutely hate...
  15. Thanks! And hate to say this....caaaaaaaan I borrow your CB?? LOL. Just kidding...definitely going to get one.
  16. I assume this CB doesnt target corals, especially zoas?
  17. Was shocked when I saw this post title hahaha
  18. Ya totally agree. Can be subjective.
  19. Patiently waiting for NO3 to drop drop drop

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