Cover the bottom box with coral chips , the ric will have no chance to slip and will attach to one of the coral chips . , then glue the coral chip with the ric to a desired location .
I would go for a sixline instead of dragonet or mandarin.
Coz when the pods runout .... a sixline can easily be weaned to pallets but not those dragonets, u wont get enough pods in a nano for dragonets
Don't need to be exact , use the NSW as reference , ask the a seller what's the salinity lvl.. Then calculate from there , if u get 1.017 for NSW which is 1.025 then just use the hydrometer and get 1.017 for every salt mix that y do.
Your hydrometer is not accurate .. Seriously ,
Do not add salt , go calibrate the hydrometer or get a refractometer.
Trust the NSW , it should be 1.025. If your hydrometer reads 1.017 ... Than It's off by that much ,
U should leave them alone , that's the best thing to do. Playing doctor is not good when u don't exactly know what's going on.
Less stress better food good water will be the best medicine.