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Everything posted by hazwanosman

  1. Interested? Call me at 94556147 or PM me
  2. 1)Selling off my Skimmer Brand: Aquanaut AN50 Price:$100 Description: http://aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=1145 2)Selling Calcium reactor with media and ard 3/4 full packet of xtra media Brand: Dymax Price: $50 3)Selling FR Brand: Resun Price:$30
  3. selling off chiller Brand: Teco (model cant rbr) it is suitable for a 3x2x2 tank. Price:$250
  4. woodlands st 31...msg me at 94556147
  5. im selling off some equipment 1) protein skimmer- $130. (http://aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=1145) 2) Resun FR with media- $40 3) Dymax CR with media- $50 4) CO2 tank with regulator (co2 gas half)- $30 also: live rocks ard 80kg selling for $80. prefer to sell as whole . bring own containers. Redsea Salt 25kg. Left ard 3/4- $30.
  6. i got one for a 3ft tank...but the overflow comb is broken. sell u at 30 can? u can look at it if u want...
  7. ive got a 3x2x2 sump tank. selling with live rocks and sand. interested? looking for 230-250 got a small defect...but cant be seen dat much.
  8. and also this large damsel my cuzzin gave me. keep nipping my corals. detached my leather becoz of this bugger.
  9. i have some life rocks to give away..i got one large flat piece. 94556147 hazwan. can come wdls to collect.
  10. any cheap sales of chiller? gd for 3x2x2ft. 94556147 sms me.
  11. still available? interested...nid it urgently 94556147 wan
  12. guys...i need some help here... ive got some qns about my chiller... 1. it seems to be ON most of e time. when last time, it only kicks in when it needs to. 2. even if its on, the chiller seems slow to cool the water down. and the water output is connected to my FR. is that the cause? im using a 1800l/hr pump. 3. sometimes it makes this creaking sound and get too noisy. 4. so is this e symptoms that i need to get a new chiller or is there like any contacts to a chiller "service centre". thanks for the help guys.
  13. bro msg you too...hope could get a msg from you. thanks
  14. hey any one here have any experience setting up of a dymax CR? things to know is -how do you get the PH readings in the reactor it self. -how do you control the flow going thru the reactor itself. -will the PH in the tank be affected by the low PH in the reactor? -any extra tips to note about the CR? Thanks for the help guys.
  15. im interested in your CR. will the crack gv problems? pls msg me at 94556147. wan
  16. hey any one here have any experience setting up of a dymax CR? things to know is -how do you get the PH readings in the reactor it self. -how do you control the flow going thru the reactor itself. -will the PH in the tank be affected by the low PH in the reactor? -any extra tips to note about the CR? Thanks for the help guys.
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