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Everything posted by Black

  1. Black


    Thanks. I need 2 union joint 20mm. and pipe 2 metre long will do. Will PM u for my contact.
  2. Black


    Hi Bought a skimmer and it came with some piping along. Wanting to extend the pipe longer but found that the local piping piping does not fit in well. I was told tat this original piping's brand is GF as stated on it. Anybody can advise where can I buy this GF piping from. Need only few pieces. Your advise will be appreciated.
  3. wow, me new in the hobby, wld like to meet up with those in CCK. Black - CCK Ave 4
  4. IMO Bioball is only to reduce the splashing n noises...they serve nothing else in this case. You can use other things (eg.bio rings) if it helps as well.
  5. 2K for 4' tank....real high, must be with cabinet or something else. I paid my tank 5x2x2.5' (12mm) + sump 4x1.5x1.5' at only $700. If u find price interesting...PM me. I give u the contact.
  6. Ha Ha..Juz reminded me of what I was. The more I read...the more opinion I got....the more confused n undecisive I was. Juz have to make my own decision n go for it. good luck.
  7. My opinion. Do what u hv confident in. Both are as good. I am also in the midst of my setup and was comtemplating the 2. I choose DSB becos I m more confident in this setup then having half sure in plenum setup. I also find that it is easier to find people with DSB than plenum... if I hv problem. Anyway, I love to have many LR in my tank. DSB is not a total failure (though heard of a crash before) and so is Plenum is not 100% success. So why not make the choice yourself. Everything is good but not everything is good for you. Good day.
  8. Thanks Tanzy, it seems that I am going to be the 1st n biggest sand sifters in my tank tonite.
  9. Hi everybody, Maybe due to the fact of carrying 21 bags of sand (#o n1) home and tried washing a few bags --then gave up. Then bring all 21 bags into the tank. Guess what, I forgot to put the netting in the DSB. My DSB now is about 6" thick (high low at different place) Anyone out there keep gobies n jawfishes etc...do they really dig in deep. Pls advise. What do u suggest??? can I leave it or start think of ways to insert netting. Thanks.
  10. Thanks triggerfish. Tried out last evening n I must say your method works n it is more peaceful now.
  11. Thank you. bio balls only for that section to reduce the flashing. Is that what you meant? I did not put anything in that portion of the sump. What about those wool filter pad? I m also looking at eheim 1262 (which is 900GPH) n wonder would it be too strong for it? Did u try or used split end return on your return pipe (that means on the return line, u use a T to split the water into 2 directions). That was my initiate setup but tear down because found water flow like no impact. What about if used it with 1262? Your opinion please. Thanks.
  12. Hi n good day to all. Juz setup my piping job over the weekend. My tank is 5x2x2.5 n sump (sit below my tank) is 4x1.5.1.5. Overflow chamber in tank is 10"x6" with a 25mm drain hole n 20mm return hole. Pump used for return is Eheim 1060. I set-up the Durso pipe with about 2mm hole in end-cap. The 1st trial was water suckin at El(h) pipe mouth. so I enlarge the hole abit. Now, the water in the chamber jump up n down. Accdly to Durso DIY article, this is due to the pipe in the sump is too deep - so I cut it to about 1.5" in water. No difference in the jumping water in chamber. I have a control valve in the drain pipe, so I tried to close up the hole abit - now the jumping (up down about 2") is slower n quite constant at the middle of the El (h). My question is that now the Durso is more quiet but I am having alot of noise caused by the bubble n rushing water at the tip of the pipe into the sump. How to make the whole system more quiet? Is my pump Ok for the flow?. Appreicate your reply n thanks.
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