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Everything posted by nutx

  1. Hammer...at least 5-6heads (lum. green type!) $50
  2. another rock of Hairy! Red mushroom with Blue Dot....$30
  3. hairy? $5 per pcs....or $30-40 per rocks depend on size.
  4. bubbles. rescue from a Single bubble to the current 'multiple' bubbles! $15.
  5. Brown Frag ($5 per frag). minimum get 3 frags or buy with other items.
  6. Orange Stag Frag ($10 per frag)
  7. Orange 'Red' Yumas. (1 rock with 5-6 pcs) $150. LFS selling at $50-60 per piece!
  8. Normal Orange Yumas (1 Rock with 5-6 pcs) $20
  9. Orange with Green Stripes (similar to the one in ML display tank) $80
  10. Yellow Yumas $50. 1 Big & 1 small.
  11. Asking for $220. With me for 2 years. Look at the measuring tape on the dimension. Recommend for 4ft tank and above only!
  12. Hi, just a suggestion. you can consider to place the chiller above your light. You need to build a solid rack up there to hold it, and do some vent in the cabinets.
  13. I've the above 3 items for sale: 1. about 50kg (estimate) of LR for sale at $100. - I'm housing them in a 2ft tank, fully filled to the top. - definitely full of coralina algae and have been in my 6ft tank for 1 yrs plus. - Assort sizes. - accept whole lot purchase only. - good enough to scape a 3ft tank. 2. Eheim 1260 - $100, condition is good, no scratch on casing or coralina algae. 1 yrs in use. 3. Marco CR unit, 3/4 filled with media. Used for 1yr plus. - $100 Interested sms me at 97391191. Thanks.
  14. Cancelled... repeated posting by system. nutx.
  15. transparency not equal to BLEACH meh?
  16. ..... My list of tangs: 1) Blue Tang 2) Purple Tang 3) Yellow Tang 4) Altantic Blue Tang 5) a kind of bristle tooth Tang 6) Powder Brown Tang but each tang has an average private swimming space of 1x2x2.5ft.
  17. if I'm not wrong, the different between the yellow belly and non yellow belly is bec, one of them is from hawaii and the other one is from bali...forgotten which is which already. both are quite common in LFS.
  18. Now u get to know one of the many black tang owners in SRC? cool down...dun post in so aggressive tone..... reefing is about patient.... btw, just realised u are a lionfish joined in Jan 05.
  19. U must be quite new in SRC..... go search the threads post by the guy with many pui pui fishes, u will know who got the BLACK tang!
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