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Everything posted by nutx

  1. Hi, I'm looking for a float switch/valve, using it to control my sump return pump. Pls let me know if you know where to buy. This is bec, I've DIY a sump using siphon pipe. In order to avoid situation that my siphon pipe failed, and all the sump water being pump into main tank, casuing a flood in my house, I'm looking for the float switch/valve, that can control my return pump to stop when the water level is drop. Or if you have other method, pls let me know.
  2. Hi Maxima, Now then I realised that there are extra snails given by you...tho they reproduce and grow so fast on my journey back! You have a nice tank.
  3. Hi.... Try to get a NTU or NUS student to buy for you....good discount!
  4. 1). 30 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Anthony *REVISED* ) $30 2). 12 Nassarius Snails (derf) 3). 24 Nassarius snails + 2 *king kongs* please (kevin REvisEd) 4). 12 Nassarius snails (benedict) 5). 24 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (spade *REVISED*) 6). 12 Nassarius Snails - Reeflax (new order) 7). 12 Nassarius Snails (onghm) 8). 12 Nassarius Snails (hoppinghippos) 9). 12 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (killfire) 10). 12 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (panlee) 11) 12 Nassarius Snails (nqh71) 12) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Lona) 13) 12 Nassarius Snails (stinger) 14) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Fireclown) 15) 36 Nassarius Snails (Mao) 17) 12 Nassarius Snails (maxifire) 18) 12 Nassarius Snails (Ruel) 19) 12 Nassarius Snails (Darren) 20) 12 Nassarius Snails (Crab) 21) 12 Nassarius Snails (sav) 22) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (heckers *REVISED*) 23) 12 Nassarius Snails (FuEl) 24) 12 Nassarius Snails (CKS) 25) 12 Nassarius Snails (Clownfish) 26) 12 Nassarius Snails (Dr Evil) 27) 12 Nassarius Snails (Reefnoob) 28) 36 Nassarius Snails (Gorgonia850) 29) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (lone) 30) 12 Nassarium Snails (Sinn) 31) 12 Nassarium Snails (Ervine & Terryz_) 32) 24 Nassarium Snails (Black Angel) 33) 36 Nassarium Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (triggerfish) 34) 36 Nassarius Snails (jinners) 35) 24 Nassarius Snails (jooLye) 36) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Jun Hong) 37) 36 Nassarius Snails (Agent 96) 38) 12 Nassarius Snails (DeepSea) 39) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (JS) 40) 12 Nassarius Snails (anemone) 98432589 41) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (coralreef) 42) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (acce 43) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Sherman 44) 12 nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Ebi - Eric) 45) 12 nassarius snails (yus75) 46) 12 Nassarius snail (Danano) 47) 12 Nassarius (flubberina13) 48) 12 Nassarius snails (nutx)
  5. Hi, I'm looking at the Eido chiller. Any existing user can give me some review? so is it 1.1HP? and how's the performance in term of noise level, and average operating hours per day to maintain at 25-26? I also saw the Korean chiller. Anyone using it? or any other brand to recommend, something below 1.5K. Teco is beyong my budget.
  6. Hi Limpc....you mentioned abt having a ball valve to balance the flow. Can tell me what it is and how it function? is this similar to those float switch? I dun wan to have a swiming in my room when I start using the sump! btw, where to buy the ball valve or the float switch?
  7. Hi, That is the design I'm using to have a surface skimmer. But I think I saw one website, couldn't locate now, that U-1 should be lower than U-2. Then your tank water will be maintain at level U-2 level. so your surface skimmer should be higher than U-2. Hope I'm right.
  8. Ops! ....If the height is a problem, then my sure got problem, as my is not that Low. Will modify it and try again.
  9. Hi... I fill up the whole piping with water, then cover up all the outlets. Then I remove the in and out (keeping the T-joint outlet closed). This, will create a siphon effect, and water will come up at 'full speed' then I remove the T-joint outlet cap, and the whole piping become 'self-regulated', which mean the siphon will stop when the water level go below the inlet, and start again when the water level increase to above the inlet. (err...hope you understanding what I'm talking... Hi crab, my problem is that the water is not able to flush out, it is like slowly flow out. Could it be there are air bubble trap at the varies U junction that is affecting the effect, or the height of the joints play a part?
  10. Hi, I've done up the piping as per the diagram above. The siphon is working, but the flow rate is very slow. Anyone can help me on this? I'm using 1 inch pipe, is the diameter to wide? Thanks.
  11. Hi SpiderOne, Keen to know where to get the $30 cal reactor, even if it is DIY... THinking of start cheap first....
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