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Everything posted by nutx

  1. Still avail, bec dun want a Green tip Rose anemone.
  2. Hi, just curious, why you all didn't choose the non commercial type? was it bec the largest size is 1/3 only? The noise level was much lower....and I think it is good enough for 6ft tank. (45 min to lower 1 degree.)
  3. I've a 6 line wrasse and 2 yellow damsel for swop. Looking for mushroom rock, or those cheap but reef safe blenny/gobies.
  4. I was told by the OEM manufacturer during last year Aquarama, that use a higher flow pump is more effiecient for the chiller. minimum flow is 2000l/hr...and the bigger the better. so for those who is installing remotely.....maybe you need a MD-55?
  5. LOOK! I'm not the only one 'beoing' your stuff..... who is your caretaker har..... times to make new friend.
  6. no electrician here, but I know you can change the ELCB to a higher capacity to absord the high fluctuation in the currect. I think HDB is using either 30 or 45 amps, you can change to 60amps...(but not sure whether HDB allows that)
  7. I'm using Weipro 5000 and Eheim 1260.....and the Eheim 1260 is much stronger than the Weipro 5000....
  8. ops....wrong channel....I tho you refer to the elder sis...
  9. oh..this is scary..you chiller is like running non-stop for 4-8hrs? This make me very worry...electrical bill is one issue, and the other issue will be the heat generated from the chiller. then my Room can be a REAL sauna room already!
  10. her husband England citizen lor...
  11. This is very nice, where you got it?
  12. You might be just starting the Real Cycling cycle. more die-off in the LR (which is getting more smelly), then your NH4 and NO2 will shoot up, then comedown as the cycle completed. if this is the case, the smell will be worst in 2-3 days time...
  13. her prettier sister? married to England already lar!
  14. if this is the case, then whether cut off the main, or just the compressor is the same lor... where can get the external thermostate? want to try one and adjust my chiller to operate by 2 degree, rather than the default 1 degree. .
  15. heehee...too free on Sat morning.. btw, any answer to my question abt shutting down the Chiller while the compressor is running?
  16. Hi lightingstrike....let me be K-pi-O abit.... I think you mis-understand what BarraCuda™(hey...the TM very difficult to type! ) said. Basically, he did not touch the Chiller at all! He use the external thermostat to control the ON/OFF of the extension cord ON/OFF. The chiller and pump is plug into this extension cord. so, if your desired temp is 25deg, you will have the your chiller set at somewhere 23, so that when it is power on, the chiller will run. Basically, the chiller and pump is On/OFF by the power supply. got it.. my concern over this is whether the chiller lifespan will be affect with the sudden Power Off, while the compressor is still running....need technical advise here.
  17. I dun agree that canister cannot be use as DSB. It depend on the design of your canister. If yours is the same as the pic I drew below, then you can remove all the trays inside, so that the water will not disturb the DSB, and the filter wool is an additional layer to prevent stirring up of the DSB. However, bec of the small capacity of the canister filter, the DSB may not be really effective. But consider yours is a 2ft tank, I think you can still try. If your canister is Eheim 2213, 2215 type of series, then you cannot use, bec the water inlet is at the bottom of the canister. for liquified sand bed, you need to have very packed sand inside, which the canister will not be able to provide that kind of pack environment.
  18. err..just like how Arsenal got into the 2nd round, with a 5-1 score....
  19. hi...seriously, noticed you add a lot of stuff over the last few days/weeks (SPS and rics.)...compared with the first set of photo you have posted. not sure whether your tank parameter has stabled, and the skimmer can handle well with the suddden increase in load. take note of your NO3, Ca and KH level.
  20. very nice tank you have..... Should have "volunteer' to look after your tank...so that can frag the Ric and SPS...and you still dunno!
  21. hi..any diffferent in using the Anti-chloramine first then mix salt, or mixed salt first then use the anti-chloramine.
  22. AT, time for you to Promote SRC to Japan, so that we can have some Jap friends.....
  23. they are now in a 'whirlpool'!
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