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Everything posted by nutx

  1. my was a 3ft previously, now it is running on a 6ft.
  2. no lar..I've been using my 1/3hp since Dec 03...excellent performance to me. When I add a AC fan to cool my lights, the AC fan is even more noisy than my chiller sound.. Just that previously, too many promoter for 'THAT' brand, when some are not even using it themselves. and like I said before...if you quoted previously that you want to buy a 1/3 or 1/2hp chiller for a big tank...everyone will SHOOT you down. even brand like Teco, I dun use them, but I respect them in the market for so many many years....people just 'condemn it' when comparing to that brand. When I post my question on what chiller to buy in Oct/Nov 03...The chiller market looks pathetic that there is ONLY ONE AND ONLY brand can buy lor.
  3. err..end of the day, forum works both way.....you still have to make your own judgement....... lousy product can still be review as an excellent product...(only thing is either the reviewer is not telling the truth, or make wrong findings) (disclaimer: Not refering to Weileong's review, his is just stating the finding, no recommendation or conclusion....search the Forum and you can see some very good promoters in the forum here!) looks like there is a BIG SWING in support for a certain brand of chiller now...
  4. aiya...it's a loooong story...... I was using it in my 3ft tank.....and always no foam after 2-3 days of thick kopi-O....so tho maybe it is not good...so go and buy a H&S ....then realised that it is the same again....no foam after 2-3 days! And when i plannig my 6ft in Feb (using existing tank), tho can have 2 sump tanks to hold 1 skimmer each....then the guy 'promise' to modify my sump tank keep MIA and didn't come and drill the holes for linking up the 2 separate sump tank...(and LR price keep going up after the AVA event!) so cannot wait already and go with only 1 sump tank...so one of the skimmer has to go lor....
  5. 6.5k and 20kk...sound goods, but how to 'blend' the combination? wouldn't the colour different be too obvious? Anyone tried before and can show the pic ?
  6. overlap like AT? how does it works? 6 bulbs in parallel?
  7. where to get the ORP meter? thanks.
  8. Pls advise what combination is nice to see, and sufficient for the LS. It's for a mixed reef, with LPS, SPS and clams, in a 6x2x2.5tank. If you have pic to show would be good too!
  9. hi...I've de-commissioned my skimmer (same as yours) and thinking of selling it...can help me to take some 'nice' skimmate pic of your skimmer for me to use as 'advertising'?
  10. I'm thinking of using a canister to house the phoshate remover, carbon, rather than having them siting in the sump. Any problem in mixing these media together? thanks.
  11. I've a 6 line wrasse to trade. sms you already. LR and sand interested?
  12. wow...this is real SERIOUS! tank before the home...
  13. nobody want to swop? even a mushroom frag also can ley...or zoo frag....
  14. you markup is ok to us...but I doubt it will be sufficient for you to cover her ' SHOPPING TRIP' while on the way to the LFS...!
  15. everything except casing. both bulb and ballast.... for bulb, prefer BLV 10KK.
  16. Hi, Looking for SE 250W MH. no need casing. Pls pm me if you have. Cheers!
  17. aiya...no more already, still post...wan to sell all har...I can count that there are at least 8 clams posted ley....sell all lar!
  18. the non-commercial one is similar size to Teco...but the highest rating is 1/3hp only. Should be good enough for your tank, unless you change to 4x400W lor...
  19. hmmm.... looking back...it was quite a JOKE when we were talking abt using 1/3 to 1/2hp to cool a 5ft or 6ft tank...when everyone was claiming only THE 1.25 can do it efficiently...... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=5229&st=0 hahahaha
  20. What is your tank size? slight blowing of the sand bed is ok, but be careful, it can dig to bare bottom! (experienced that in my 3ft tank before!)
  21. i was told by the Korean OEM MD that they are identical. btw, the commercial unit and the non-commercial unit are slightly different in technology/design....(beside the different cooling solvent used) and the non-commercial one are suppose to be a newer technology/design. (hopefully it is more efficient)
  22. err...my is the OEM brand, cheaper version of Arctica....
  23. thanks for the info... hopefully my 1/3 can handle the 1000l water and 900W of lights. I placed my in my cabinet...(ops...dun shoot me!).but it is still performing so far. Btw, my cabinet has a open 'backside'.......and I remove the door for 'freah air' intake.
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