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Everything posted by nutx

  1. Your sps portion, won't they be too close for any growth? or just the pic effect..
  2. Another interesting thread started. Btw, sharing the same sump as your reef tank, won't you not concern abt the bioloads and pollution? Deepblue, my tank will welcome any adult naso tangs.....
  3. dun worry....I'll just leave the black tang to WL, and we promised not to smash the tank, but maybe toppled a few sps only......
  4. Quick! where can locate this? Else I go Yishun 2nd floor and catch!
  5. err..is the ployps extending? looks like turning white at the tip, or just the photo effect?
  6. walau...this forum becoming more Gangster har.... sell cheap -> kanna flame sell high -> kanna flame buy low -> kanna flame buy high -> kanna flame show tank display -> kanna flame post new stock -> kanna flame what else har? looks like GANGSTER RULE lor....
  7. openly is to be fair and allow counter bidding! pm then is like using backdoor.... no ethics!
  8. What is your tank temp now?
  9. Can I exchange my Clown tang with a Sohal tang?
  10. just dun let it go Wild and like the display tank in that Big Blue sign board shop.....The algae inside that tank is quite scarely....
  11. The bleaching problem could be due to your lights. Wat kind of MH 150W you are using and wat bulb. The UV shield in the 150W bulb is not strong for some China brand. That will bleach your tank badly.
  12. If it split twice...I can consider to give you one!
  13. wah..trying to create a warfare here izzit?
  14. Back to topic.... Bro Alfa...you may want to measure your NO3 and PO4, than use some media to reduce them. If you have a refugim, maybe you on it 24 hrs, or increase the lights there.
  15. Thanks...btw, my tank is only setup in 1 April 04! fully cycled without any chemical.... gone thru the algae stage within 2 weeks, using 1kg of biophos and 1kg of Contro. K. to control! NO3 still at 12.5mg/l, only parameter to fight now... That's why I'm concern abt experts' advises in forum... Hope the PBT can make it...will start garlic soaked food tonight.
  16. Did you measure your PO4 level? there are contributor to algae too...I dun really agree that all new tank will have this syndrome. Yes, you may faced them for 1-2 weeks, but they should be come and go kind. Once they establish in your tank, it is very difficult to cure it.
  17. blasto (with red colour) ...this is something that I've been looking for!
  18. You should add Calcium+ to increase the Ca, Kalk is mainly use to maintain the level. You will also need to add Kh+ at the same time. But pls note that using such manual dosing, the Kh and Ca is inverse relationship (that is increase in Ca can led to Kh decrease if overdose). so increase them slowly. For kh of your tank, you should buy Baking Soda, cheaper.
  19. but do you have many fishes inside and you feed alot? else the algae problem shouldn't be too serious. You have a refugim?
  20. DUn worry...when you YT cannot take the bully by your BT, call me..... I can adopt your YT (will pay you lar!)....btw, your YT from where?
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