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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. Every week twice, since gotten them.
  2. haha, faster....dont dare to release my new naoko wrasse...scare it will whack new comers.....but got so many.....should be fine right....@@
  3. sad to say, 3 deaths occured yesterday. The lub. wrasse was found dead with its head inside the MP40(killer for my ex. small mystery and now lub. wrasse). Sorry to bro Mcbc. Took out the MP40 and placed a mesh on it to prevent head dive incident. Royal gamma which was eating and no sign of injury just happened to show sign of harden body and breathing fast(anyone can advice on this?)...likely is a gone and food source for my shrimps and snails.....and lastly, spotted mandarin which i got together with dragonet mandarin. It was the fattest and keep pecking but when found the body, stomach like sunken. The dragonet mandarin seems doing ok as i have seen her eating live sea monkey. Clown tang started tp feed on pellet(dainichi) which surprised me as it only feed on frozen....glad it accepted other food source....
  4. Hi, you may wish to check with LCk or Iwarna on NSW top-up for your tank setup. It does help to speed up cycling. Thereafter on water change, it will depend very much on you...salt mix or NSW. For the skimmer, you can consider out-sump skimmer if you have space constraint in your sump. FOr Hang on type, the skimmer cup is usually small unless you modify. Just take the dimension allowed for skimmer and look out the various suppliers to determine which to buy. Do take note on maintenance space. For skimmer, Deltec, Bubble King, New Series Reef Octopus, H&S, Skimz, etc seems good but check out the after sales service. All the best.
  5. Sunny, u already got still want to act, how is ye new tank coming along . . Bro milch, bk sm, very happy, everyday easily 2 to 3 inches of skimate. Didn't regret getting it. For qt, no really but for wrasse, put in betta box for ard 3 to 5 days, if not sign of infection and started eating, will release it. Hope this help.
  6. also yr mandarins.....lol.

  7. bro, bro thomas decomming, he does have sps for sales, frag or colony. He is aways and back in singapore on sat. He stays hillview. If you interested, can pm him. still cycling? are u riding a cannondale? me looking for lefty fork, any advice? Thanks. 97858289.

  8. black clown, reborn. Saddleback, can try reborn or iwarna(seen last weekend, not very small though). All the best.
  9. bro Vtec, black cap coming....lol. Never really measure but my mangroves growing like mad. Using all possible reducing agents and monitoring using seachem quick test. : ) Bro Yongshun, your project coming up but just do your homework. Think twice. Sometime, the thought of decom came to my mind but committed too much....... : )
  10. 2 Sohals - 1 big and 1 small 1 crown tang 1 Blue Tang 1 Purple Tang 2 Yellow Tang 1 Brown Tang 1 Flame Angel 1 Coral Beauty 1 Algae Blenny 2 Mandarin 1 rosy scale wrasse 2 black ocell. Clown 2 true pers 2 maroon clown 1 Yellow Assessor( or 2) 1 Yellow Neon Goby 2 Half Moon Gobies 1 Flame Hawk 1 Cleaner Wrasse 2 Leopard Wrasse 1 Flame Wrasse 2 Golden Wrasse 2 Red Fin Wrasse 2 Flasher Wrasse 1 Solar Wrasse 1 Blue Sided Wrasse 1 Exquisite Wrasse 1 Yellow Wrasse 1 Radiance Wrasse 1 Yellow Fank Wrasse 1 Pylei Wrasse 1 Debelius Fairy Wrasse 1 Mystery Wrasse 1 Laboutei Wrasse 1 Seahorse 4 fire shrimps 5 cleaner shrimps 5 to 6 sand dollars 6 to 7 sand star more than 10 scarlet hermit crab 2 abalones New addition 3 midas blenny 2 lineatus Wrasse 1 more female rhomboid 1 more normal leopard wrasse(thought died but still alive but came out during 4 pm...at work...hardly see...hopefully can change his timing) 1 Kole tang 1 regal angel 1 blue neon goby. 2 naoko wrasse 1 piston shrimp(another one, escaped from bag and was floating on water surface....and later went behind rocks...not sure still alive) 3 US red leg hermit 2 normal red leg hermit 1 Royal Gamma 1 alpha male pylei 1 lub. wrasse Death - One of the earlier female rhomboid that only feed on frozen MIA. Anticipated that as it was skinny but thought it started to gain weight but still MIA(lucky got one from Bro Lemon and seems like swimming very close to my alpha male rhomboid). 2 MIs, one injuried and died and the other seems to be "shocked" and died when i turn on the light at midnight. Sighz. Regal angel doing fine and eating on pellets. Released in main tank. Was chased by my big sohal and other tangs but being accepted and still feeding. Thanks to bro orsony, managed to get 2 naoko wrasse at unbelieveable prices. The dominating one still in betta box while the tame one out swimming. Both eating. Regret not to go LCK when i went CF to buy those hermits(lucky got bros ard). Royal Gamma also doing fine and found himself a nest. Piston shrimp started digging hole and found himself a safe house. Scott started to swim but still shy away when i go near the tank. Got to make a firm decision to part my big tangs....since getting more fishes from a good bro who is decomming soon.....
  11. how is your sps sales...

    Blue Assessor X 2

    Yellow Asessor X 2

    Black Cap

    Royol Gamma

    Box fish x 2

    Fire Shrimp – 2

    Cleaner Shrimp – 1

    Pistol Shrimp – 2

    Neon Goby – 1

    Half Moon Goby – 1

    Other Goby –

    Sunburst Anthia – 3

    Mixed Anthia - ?



    Zoa Frag ...

  12. Think naoko wrasse spotted at lck and at unbelieveable price, anyone who got the wrasse can verify?
  13. Seen it, though not sps keepers but is red. Verified by few sps lovers and confirmed it's is rare. Upz for u.
  14. Bro, for collection, any time issue?

  15. bro, reborn may have what u are looking for. U may wish to pay a trip and see or call them to confirm. : )
  16. Bro, Maybe u can trap yr solar awhile then release it.. All the best.
  17. The built is solid. Grey seems to be the trademark. Check the seal, thick grey sillicon used. Can always go sealife to see. Doubt imitation will go to that quality. Tuning wise, the air valve and the turnable tube above the water outlet to adjust wet or dry. If yrs insump, water level does affect the performance.
  18. Maybe can opt 2000 or 3000 and tee off with valve control
  19. Haha. See u this week, attending a forum at suntec area on Saturday afternoon, SMS to confirm timing.
  20. Thks bro greencloud for the advice. Will get them. Bro tang master, mine is nothing compared to yrs.
  21. One of the flashers managed to jump through the egg crate hole and died. Sighz. . .
  22. Yup, got the one from iwarna but didn't make it. . Thks and saw yr tank planning, keep it up.
  23. Bro vtec, happy man huh, got yr lineatus. Hehe. Looking for male pink margin to complete my wrass collection. Added Scott, another pylei and Lubbock wrasse. Trying regal and MIs. All eating and hopefully can succeed. Bros, do help me look up for male pink margin and if got red , lagi good. Advance thanks.
  24. Bro, went one Sunday morning, left 3 and I got 1, left 2(think photo provided by bro in the earlier posting). Those nice and unique one. . Think all bought. After this week, think only left asia stock cos many Ang mos will go interzoo.
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