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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. If u got only 1 wrasse, should be fine, especially if yr rock scape comes with many holes for it to hide. The way u introduce the shrimp should be placing the shrimp onto rock surface where it can go into hiding. They are vulnerable when changing shell. However I ever witness my wrasses tearing pistol shrimp apart when I release it in open. .
  2. Hi bro, will like to have yr tank if still available. My contact is 97858289. Thks.

  3. Iwarna still has flame angel, potter angel, multi color angel, colini angel, barlett anthia, yellow tang, kole tang, AT in display tank, aptisia eating nudi, damsel from Hawaii, 1 royal gamma, etc.
  4. Iwarna updates that I can recall: Tang: Yellow, kole, chevron and 1 blackie. Angel: Flame, potter & multi colour and maybe 1 goldflake. . Butterfly: Declive Anthia: Barlett Goby: 2 x helfrichi Tinker butterfly, grit angel, emporer, AT, etc all being snatched.
  5. Have u tried petmart? Went there and realized rainbow closing down. Sad to see how ther prosper and downsize to now. . Are they relocating ?
  6. Looking for the above. Pm me if u are letting go. Thks.
  7. Lol. Think still left 3 this morning. Got peppermint shrimps at iwarna.
  8. This morning, iwarna had colini angels and sunburst anthia. Not sure still got or not. Hawaii shipment coming soon. . .
  9. Have u gotten the fr? If not, can always chk with seller on the setup. Anyway, is a simple concept where there will be one water inlet and outlet. For the water inlet, u can use a pump to feed water in yr fr or tee off from piping. The flow rate should be 800 to 1000l/hr. Media u can put into yr fr without bag. Amt depends on u. Covet 20 to 25% of ur fr. For phos remover, the first and few rinse will be scary , if u using rowa. Don't use tap water to rinse. Maybe do it during yr water change and use those siphoned out water from yr tank to rinse a few time. For me, I place wool with some carbon at the outlet to filter the water comin out from fr . By 1 hr, outlet should be coming out clear water. Hope this help.
  10. Try asking am, think they have one good condition set for sales. All the best.
  11. Give them red bamboo, pellet and mysis to pump their fats. However, if there is a bully, the timid and shy one is unlikely to get that many food.
  12. A sump is not a must but good to have as it increase yr volume of water, act as mechanical filtration, increase space for other purposes like biofiltration, hse fluidizer, add refugium, etc and lastly easier maintenance, etc. Should not post any issue by adding a sump. All the best.
  13. Yup. Me using 180w for my 24 jbj nano. If u want to see effect, can arrange but u have to travel to north east. Lol.
  14. Iwarna selling $2 per Jerry can. The rest the norm is around $3. Think CF is ard $5 plus minus(must ask a bro here who buy from CF). Think lck also sell. Think u better get those big Jerry can, think is ard 20 to 25 litres. I have spare or u can go jalan besar or iwarna side to buy. All the best.
  15. apart from the additional capacity, u need to drill hole or use stop valve to ensure backflow due to gravity will not happen. If not, you are likely to encounter flooding unless your sump has the capacity certain amount of water from the main tank. Hope this help.
  16. wait for aquarama. if you buying maxspect, sms me and i see how best i can help.
  17. That shld be yellow in nature. Promote algae growth. Lol
  18. U can use cycling period to pump up coraline algae. It is also tell take sign on yr tank cycling. However, u need to chge water prior to introduce LS as u will pump calcium and mag with blue light to support the growth.
  19. Just exchanging pointers. So u went into led? For the cycling process, the ammonia reading etc is a gauge but to be more certain, just cycle for another 2 to 3 weeks. Good to let the green and brown algae bloom to be over and ensure high success rate. This applies for me but may not apply on others. How big is ur tank? If u need temporary light, I may be able to lend u incase u want to cycle and boost yr coraline algae growth.
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