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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. Is the 8 lines flasher wrasse which came in once. Consider rare. Good price(less than 2 blue notes). Someone was selling like 4 blue notes.
  2. May not work. So far the installation type is non inverter type. I maybe wrong and do share yr finding.
  3. Is a good skimmer. No need to chge unless there is other compelling reason like high power consumption that u want to go for needlewheel with low power consumption.
  4. Iwarna has many pink zoas. Still have flame, multi colour and lemon peel. Alpha male rhomboid and mystery wrasse. Bali lps shipment.
  5. Want to save space for my sump, otherwise would have keep it. My new skimmer shld be able to. Has been running h&s for past few weeks, seems ok. Will fire up new skimmer to chk. Lol.
  6. First owner. From Reefdepot. Age around 2 yrs. Just chge the impellor(bigger one which is meant for sm250) and haven touch water. Reason for selling is to down size to save space for sump. viewing and collection at punggol central. Looking around $1100. Thks.
  7. U have to wait for iwarna to bring in, they don't count by mouth but by per pc. If there is 2 or more mouth on 1 pc, it is considered as 1 and they sell 3 for 100. Think cheapest in Singapore.
  8. Russia, Russia, Russia....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Solo77


      Lol. Let's hold at lfs. Suggestion? Lol

    3. orsony


      Must Have Starhub or Mio Leh. Plus at least 47" TV

    4. Eniram


      Lions lions lions!!

      Hold at LFS on final day with Fiji shipment! Ultimate distractions!

  9. Might want to sell off as she is pecking on my lps..... Sighz. Ard 3 to 3.5 inches. Kept from juvenile to this size. Interested, pls pm yr offer and tank condition. Thks.
  10. I have. Collection at punggol. Pm me if interested. Thks.
  11. Opss.. Sorry. Let's wait for TS to confirm.
  12. Think I got jade green digi to spare. ....
  13. Depends on the type and demand. First day of shipment can be easily 80 and price will drop over the days till lowest ard 30. Hope this clarifies.
  14. Waiting for yr pink BN frag then. Lol. Got other frag bo? Lol
  15. Got 3 from CF. selling at cost with a can of coke. Lol. Will show receipt to proof. Collection at punggol central. Thanks.
  16. Zoa lovers can go iwarna. There is candy apple zoas and other nice zoas. Price depends on size. Limited candy apple zoas.
  17. I have 1 damaged brain and quite bad. If u want can collect at punggol. Thks.
  18. Some can colour up while others either gone or colour is not so intense. How abt yrs? Lol
  19. Ya. After Testing water for mixed reef and understand the efforts in planning corals placement and updating, must bow to those TOTM and those who regularly update their thread.
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