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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. u might want to go RD to check.....they got one....might be selling...stable one as it was from a reefer. : )
  2. not you....so now i got a few reefers who can back my justification....lol. ....
  3. think the blue tang and fox face will be up for grab as nothing heard from bro singleisure. Good day to all.
  4. different hobby different interests. Hehe. Got to respect their interests and passion. For my wife, i think those cooked drunken prawn is more worth than fire shrimp....lol. Bro, take your time, lol, sudden got so many MCE600 in the buy sell...during my time....so hard to get one....lol. Anyway, not urgent sales and doubt mine will be sold so soon as mine not the cheapest....bro alien07 selling cheap. : )
  5. Bro chercm, sorry for the late reply. Sander c50 is tentatively reserved by a bro.
  6. water too clean due to new skimmer? lol.
  7. your approach is not wrong but if you see other reefers who are long enough in this hobby or experience in selling stuff....it will be based on fcfs or reserved the right to sell to whoever i like. For your future bidding, maybe u can put a min. selling price or no need to bid selling price. if the bid doesnt meet your expectation, you can always withdraw. Buying and selling should always be win win situation. another approach is not profitteering...but getting the frag free...lol. one buy big colony...frag into pcs....and sell to recover buying price....so ultimately, the colony bought is foc to the original buyer and the buyer gets to keep one new collection free. This is "style". Not wrong also, depending on how you see things. Anyway...hope this discussion dont give newbies new ideas.....with emerging new style. .....lol. Reef on.
  8. profiteering has open and closed type....unleast we know who are the open ones....the danger is those using pm....lol. dont know the history of Paradiz Reef but to me, the business strategy didnt work out...if not...other shops woujld have close down also.....this is business world.... lastly, personally i think forum should benefit reefers and not LFSes...the sponsors should be using this platform to advertise their new product, etc. However, many forum started out to share but subsequently lost their original intent. Maybe SRC should have vision and mission statement......lol.
  9. for the bidding system, no right or wrong, it is market force playing the game but hard to stop ppl from manipulating behind the scene. So one must take precaution and do enough research. different thoughts on pricing ...it depends on which business strategies to adopt for business. Thing is cheap doesnt mean no progress. It can create opportunity for pple to source for different thing to bring in. The hit and run model is rather common. Get something niche and earn fast cash and move on as ppl will slowly copy and follow. Higher price might not drive towards responsible reefkeeping but might deter more ppl from entering into this hobby. Sad to see those $1 clown being purchased and act as food for other fishes but think this is a life cycle. Responsible reefkeeping must come from reefers and LFSes. Talk about reefers buying fishes and killing them...honestly speaking..i have asking myself, instead of being a responsible reefer might as well stop all this reefing so that the nature will not be harmed but is this possible? i am not experienced and in this hobby long enough but for the business model, it seems like they have to bring in other specimens inorder to get other specimen...so for example, they earn nothing from yellow tang,....they are liking to earn from other livestock.....i doubt a business will want to make a breakeven or even deficit.......if so...the business will not be viable and sustainable. The question is their cost and profit margin.....while i can agree their source is different and at times cost is high, but the costing should not be very far off. Anyway, all this is driven by demand and supply and business model. Whoever did the right thing will shine....whoever did the wrong...will suffer.....therefore, some of the LFSes or farms are well known for good...while others...condemned. Lol. There is always two perpective to a thing......and perfectionist and saddist are almost identitical ....it depends how common ppl perceived. Reef on.
  10. just to add, some corals can't hold their colours and chge with different water parameter, placement, lighting, flow etc. Worst is melting. Hence before buying, ask whether u are confidence in sustaining the colour. Just make sure u buy with open eyes and in right mind and state, lol. : )
  11. Personally, I like to see how fine the bubble is being formed and the mass of them. However, one thing I don't know Is how to guage the contact and reaction time as it affect the skimmer performance. For skim mate, is possible to guage but think the rest of the parameter must be consistent. The parameters include water cleanliness and adjustment of yr skimmer. Know one reefer who owned deltec 701 and getting skimmate everyday but after changin to another skimmer, canT get the skimmate from 701 and very inconsistent in skimming due to adjustmet. Given a chance, he will not change. Another factor I look at skimmer is it's sensitivity to adjustment.
  12. thanks, will wait for the list as dont want to be treated as chit chatting. Thanks again for your reply. Good Day.
  13. any info on what is expected? must build up vitamins.....lol....another fever list item....lol.
  14. thanks for the check. Nothing particular. Lol...just KPO. Maybe this thread should be placed under Kopitiam? Seems like a discussion but good to check with source whether he intends to sell, if yes, then it should fall under the right section. honestly, those bros who decommed, in general they made loses.....corals that they bought high end up selling low as no one appreciate them as they do.....only those fever items can fetch good price...and they were shocked on how much ppl willing to pay.....lol.
  15. Care to explain why it doesnt work anymore? For a small nano with proper maintenance, i personally think it is quite ok. I presume u are looking for hang on type, remora, aquamedic, deltec MCE500 to 600, etc are rather good skimmer. Tunze is ok but heard the pump at times does give problem.
  16. hahaha....think generally is the brand....lol... why start this topic....
  17. if you stay in this hobby long enough.....you know where and when to get them...for those who decommed....you will know the market rate....and usually is clearance as a bundle which includes normal and unique rics....those blue, green, orange, pink, etc are generally considered common except those yellow and very unique bi or tri colour ric. Those who bought Bro Taperlin's ric will know. Lol. anyone can confirm fragmaster is the famous kevin33868 then...lol .... its an open market, willing buyer and willing seller. For newbies, just do enough research before buying and there wont be regret.....if have...treat as lesson learned. Agrees that after this fever, the price will normalise(or all along it is normal but being "fried" by market forces?). So for those who bought high, hope for reefers who got vitamin M and will appreciate, if not, got to follow the market rates then. The principle applies, a collectable is only valuable to one who appreciate and willing to spend...if not...it is just a piece of "worthless" item. at this moment....ric, zoa and mushroom seems to be on fever list.....
  18. so you are the bro kenyo that bro hammy used to mention. Good to know another reefer in punggol. Hope can pay you a visit in future to appreciate your setup.
  19. moving forward, you may wish to stop adding any fish for 2 to 3 weeks. Go get some bacteria to dose your tank(i presume you are using live rocks, sands and seawater). Even after cycling, you may encounter new tank sydrome which is hard to explain. Run UV if possible. Let your tank cycle longer. If your tank is cycled for 2 months in proper way, you may wish to invest in bacteria rather than test kit but if you vitamin M and T, go for test kit to confirm result. For tang, they generally will develop white spot due to stress. Hence, before buying, if possible, get those eating one so that they will continue to feed and develop immunity to fight off those parasites and white spot, etc. May wish to add garlic juice in their food. New fish is likely to be "fragile" to water parameter(nitrate, nitrite, etc). Once they are stable, they can tolerate certain level.
  20. if you want bioball, do contact me..... : )(FOC)
  21. No problem. Auntie said thanks for the support. Lol. Just to include some updates so as to comply the rules. Small queens are coming to town, so for those looking, be patience. To Bro Chercm, yup, RD opens only on thursday(unless i got the wrong info).
  22. Just to add, lck's barletts are for sales. Lots of royal gamma and black cap. Coral farm opens tomorrow.
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