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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. For record purpose, my fishes stocktake; 2 Sohals - 1 big and 1 small 1 crown tang 1 Blue Tang 1 Purple Tang 2 Yellow Tang 1 Brown Tang 1 Flame Angel 1 Coral Beauty 1 Algae Blenny 2 Mandarin 1 Yellow Assessor( or 2) 1 Yellow Neon Goby 2 Half Moon Gobies 1 Flame Hawk 1 Cleaner Wrasse 2 Leopard Wrasse 1 Flame Wrasse 2 Golden Wrasse 2 Red Fin Wrasse 2 Flasher Wrasse 1 Solar Wrasse 1 Blue Sided Wrasse 1 Exquisite Wrasse 1 Yellow Wrasse 1 Radiance Wrasse 1 Yellow Fank Wrasse 1 Pylei Wrasse 1 Debelius Fairy Wrasse 1 Mystery Wrasse 1 Laboutei Wrasse 1 Seahorse 4 fire shrimps 5 cleaner shrimps 5 to 6 sand dollars 6 to 7 sand star more than 10 scarlet hermit crab 2 abalones Miss out my lovely fishes; 1 rosy scale wrasse 2 black ocell. Clown 2 true pers 2 maroon clown Think that is about it......still sourcing for lineatus wrasse......
  2. For 2 to 3ft, 1/5 to 1/4 will be good. Though some will use 1/10 for 2ft. Risk is always there for second hand. Check the owner, lol, condition such as the fins, rust, run it to see got noise and leak, etc. Buy from reputable reefers. For such chiller, there is one water inlet and outlet. Place yr pump in the sump(maybe skimmer compartment) and connect the pump to the inlet. Then use a hose to let the water flow out of the outlet to the return compartment of yr sum. For 1/5 to 1/4, pump use can be 2000 l to maybe 3000 but due cater headloss from joint, etc. Hope this help.
  3. Bro, in general, clown tang and sohal are aggressive tangs. Same as powder blue and AT. They chase one another, clown tang chases my big sohal and my big sohal chases my small sohal and my small sohal chases my clown tang. However, it's just chasing and no real fight. Clown tang is the one chasing my new wrasses, the rest don't. If u want, I suggest u bring in last and must be on par or bigger than yr current dominating tang. Is a nice tang to own especially they grow big.
  4. thanks bro. Nothing compares to yours. Still busy with study huh. U are the agent around....do help me find lineatus....lol. Male or female, all i want. hahaha.
  5. bro, when free, go farm together and exchange pointers. Certain Wrasses are more aggressive while others are tame and shy. Got to plan. However, i do suffer loses which often comes with heavy heart. SOme wrasses came from wrasse collectors and in general, they are Commandos. So they can sustain those chasing, etc. For those aggressive wrasse, i will have to trap them. Worst thing is my clown tang will go round chasing new wrasse at times....
  6. Bro, as mentioned by Bro Binosage, there is some guidelines to the number of fishes kept within certain tank size. Hence, do note. Do acclimatise your shrimps slowly as they can get shock and die instantly infront of you. All the best.
  7. super high bioload, your sps will turn brown and then white.....lol
  8. in this trade where there is an agent, it will not stop LFSes from importing from HK if they have the lobang and cheaper to get. Moreover, the 500ml and 1L are not standard package, there are bigger package. Hence, possibility of repackaging. Good for reefer to look at the video and check and highlight for any fake bio pellet spotted.
  9. yr green wrasse if established may not like royal gamma. For shrimp, if you put 2 cleaners of similar or bigger size than your camel shrimp, it should be ok. For over crowding, let your SPS tell u....lol.
  10. For record purpose, my fishes stocktake; 2 Sohals - 1 big and 1 small 1 crown tang 1 Blue Tang 1 Purple Tang 2 Yellow Tang 1 Brown Tang 1 Flame Angel 1 Coral Beauty 1 Algae Blenny 2 Mandarin 1 Yellow Assessor( or 2) 1 Yellow Neon Goby 2 Half Moon Gobies 1 Flame Hawk 1 Cleaner Wrasse 2 Leopard Wrasse 1 Flame Wrasse 2 Golden Wrasse 2 Red Fin Wrasse 2 Flasher Wrasse 1 Solar Wrasse 1 Blue Sided Wrasse 1 Exquisite Wrasse 1 Yellow Wrasse 1 Radiance Wrasse 1 Yellow Fank Wrasse 1 Pylei Wrasse 1 Debelius Fairy Wrasse 1 Mystery Wrasse 1 Laboutei Wrasse 1 Seahorse 4 fire shrimps 5 cleaner shrimps 5 to 6 sand dollars 6 to 7 sand star more than 10 scarlet hermit crab 2 abalones Think that is about it......still sourcing for lineatus wrasse......
  11. Impressive. Must learn from you in scaping liao and good to see your nice zoa collection. : )
  12. true. Had pm the supplier but also never get any reply. Though there are other mode of contacting but think will just give a miss and stick to my T5 until one day where the supplier can answer all my queries satisfactorily. Just wait for interzoo, i think after that, more LED will appear in the market for reefers to choose. Start saving up. : )
  13. Supports. Getting second will definitely be cheaper that getting brand new. However, u must assess the made etc to ensure it can bring u a long way. Ppl can suggest but whether u can fully understand is another thing via seeing and reading. Good to go round seeing ppl tanks and setup to learn from their mistake and improve. If u don't really want to spend time studying, just get second hand. Ask the owner few basic questions, fail safe features, maintenance setup for easy of water chge, etc. For 2 ft, not easy to have refugium if equipment is in-sump. Lastly, wat u want to keep also determine ur setup. All the best.
  14. bro, based on your posting, will take note.
  15. Thanks to Bro Nicholas who reserved his stuff for me. To bro Marinesavy, no problem. Thanks for the compliment on my tank, nothing special, just more of a fish lover and thanks for the blessing. Hope to catch up with you in future. Regards.
  16. Hi, for a 4ftx2x2, what is the recommended? 2 x g2 230w or 2 x g2 170w? What's the diff and what is Cree led? Thks.

  17. can join ? Lol. Must act fast before price goes up....
  18. Bro, can SMS me yr contact, 97858289. Seems like can't pm u. Thks.
  19. Hi, there is not clear standard. My friend got his at 850 early last yr, usage abt the same as yrs. However, I got mine at 400 after 1 yr usage and there are ppl selling higher or cheaper. It really depends on market demand and supply and yr luck. As suggested by bro vtec, if u thinking to upgrade, the Amt for new 1/3 can do drop in coil unless u considering second hand. Maybe u can put up a bid to see the demand. Bid can always withdraw if u chge yr mind.
  20. Looking for the above to complete my wrasse collection. If you have one and willing to let go, do pm me. Thanks.
  21. bro xaine, any update on your saturday purchase.....hehe
  22. Bro, when u confirm selling, do inform me. Will get from u. Thks.
  23. Haha, yup as long as it is reasonable to me and not "frying hot" the market. Hope yr tank has stablized by now and yr zoas are recovering. Cheers.
  24. Bro, my friend Interested in the other leather, if still available, I will take all as I am helping marinesavy to take one of the leather. Did u pm me? Cos I might have problem receiving them as my setup not done yet? Kindly SMS me to arrange on the collection. Thks.
  25. Can also consider using zeovit addictive on this. Me not a successful coral keeper but the zeozym works well and some other addicitve seems good from bros' review.
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