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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. Maybe u want to state whether u want to design yr own and get ppl to build or get one stop centre service.
  2. Opss, didn't know I got so much typo. Lol, sorry for that. Want to share why u think led is preferred? If u are keeping non sps, yes led likely can support. Otherwise u are likely to get t5 supplement. Do chk out the recent topic posted fr user review. Definitely better than shops.
  3. For yr tank size, u must know what u are going. Depth wise, 2.5 to 3 ft are good. For height, flower will be good for 2 to 2.5. For coral, 2 or below. For light, no best to me. Still boils down to what u intend to keep. A big tank size, drop-in coil would be recommended. For controller system, not a must. For equipment, will depends on how deep yr po ket is. Abyzzz return pump in and more exp than red dragon.
  4. Bro klyve, regal so far ok for my friend. I can't comment cos nothing for it to munch. Wow, got free seed huh, u passed me some already, pai seh to take more. Hehe. Bro peacemaker and Thomas, heavy heart. Mind think of going spses but heart can't bear. If there is a saying, follow yr heart, then fish is my love. Lol.
  5. Hehe. Will wait for yr come back.
  6. Camera trick ba. Is a 422 with external overflow.
  7. Got. Lol. Was impressed how their pincer can make such loud sound. When u back huh?
  8. French.... still in dilemma whether to go into SPSes and give up my fishes......
  9. Tank experienced some problems and many livestocks died. Sign was fin and fresh being eaten and fishes died with faded colour. Approaches were to stop adding livestock, setup QT and hospital tank, using ozoniser in the day and 2 UVs for the night, daily dosage of bacterias and fish solution and frequent water change. Tank seems to stablise with the following livestocks with no "lost" for the past 1 month or so. Current stocks: Blenny: Midas Clowns: Paired maroon Paired true pers 2 Paired black ocellaris Basslet: 2 x yellow assessor 2 x blue assessor Trigger: Paired blue throat Goby: Randal 1 x yasha Paired full moon Orange band Yellow Neon Blue Neon Hybrid Neon Hog: Flame Peppermint Wrasse: 1 x radiant African exquisite Yellow grid Blackfin 6 lines Mystery Leopard Butterfly: Copperband Declivis Mitratus Dwarf angels: Coral beauty African flameback Fisheries 2 X flavica Angel: Emperor Asfur French Yellow Belly Regal Grey Belly Regal Goldflake Tang: 2 X Purple Clown Sohal Yellow Belly Regal Powder Blue Dart fish Shrimp: 1 x peppermint 5 x fire 3 x cleaner Ard 3 piston shrimp 3 x Urchin Snails 2 X Abalone Fishes under QT for 2 to 3 weeks. - Kole Tang - Majestic - Blue Face Angel - Maculosus - Blue Lip - Midnight Angel
  10. Fish solution seems to be effective for me.
  11. Bro, u back in action? Good if u are. Good day.
  12. Thks. Good day to u.

  13. Irene came blue face, big blue ring, majestic, blue lip, regal. Sealife has many half moon angel.
  14. Lol. Clown tang worst. Smallest among my Tangshan but whacked my big sohal and powder blue. Like torpedo.
  15. Yes, red slime is cyno. Brown stuff on yr sanded likely diatoms.
  16. Hawaii Shipment at Iwarna 15th Jun morning, 7am. Angels Flame, Goldflake, Lemon, Multi color, Potteri, Emperor Tangs AT, Kole, Yellow. Wrasses Golden, Flame, Potter, Mystery , Doc wrasse Others Declives butterfly, Red banded hawk fish n bartlet.
  17. Chge of plan? Pbt(blue) can be notorious, lol
  18. Black tang price at CF still pending. Hawaii shipment at pasir ris and likely mid this week. Watch out for posting. Peppermint shrimp, think lck still has them and cf also bu good to call to confirm. For nudi control, can chk with iwarna for the nudi that eat aptisia but make sure u got no wrasse.
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