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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. Coming to hardware, here's my take: 1. Build quality I am happy with both quality. 2. Ease of operation For AI, only a single button to control over the set whereas radion uses 3 sensor buttons which may be sensitive at times and I have to refer to manual to recall the operating modes. Therefore, I will give my vote to AI. 3. Mounting For AI, the official rails are of good quality but price is on the high side. However, there are DIY options available but need time to source for the right fittings. The DIY options also applies to radion. Good thing is when you buy yr radion from Iwarna, they have already thought of the mounting issue and provide DIY mounting. The mounting from radion seems more secured and safer as compared to AI unless the official rails are used. Hence my vote goes to radion. 4. Accessories For AI, the official rails seems to allow many combinations whereas the radion has simple mounting kits. Therefore my vote goes to AI. I will like to add factors likes design, price, and maintenance: 5. Design Personally I like AI design. It is simple and one thing I find it better than radion was its fan. It's fan is located on the heat sink and face away from the saltwater. This is different from radion where the fan is facing the saltwater. For radion, encountered faulty fan after one year and seems to be a common issue among radion users locally. Hence with that, my vote goes to AI. 6. Maintenance: Had some issue with AI and brought to RD who opened and fixed it immediately. Had the opportunity to see the internal components which is very modular and allows individual to carry out self maintenance with ease. For radion, it seems to be more complex after knowing how the fan was being replaced. Vote goes to AI. 7. Price: Base on RSP, the price of one radion is equivalent to almost 2 AI vega. Price and coverage wise, my vote will go to AI. 8. Performance: Exclaimer: my radion set has passed one year. In terms of even spread, I find radion wins. However for penetration, based on the shimmering effect, AI Vega seems to be better(maybe because it is newer). Performance, happy on both since I am using both which compensate each other. 9. LEDs & Wattage Think wattage wise, AI consumed less energy but this is due to lesser LEDs being used.
  2. Thanks for the chaser. Observations after using full LED: 1. Encountered bleaching on prata, cynarina and chalice. 2. Chili pepper monti color up. 3. Zoas, cloves, etc corals loved the LEDs. 4. Clams colored up.
  3. It can support 2 by 2 and effectiveness can be manipulated via adjusting the height of the lightset. Vega has a single row of light bulbs where as sol has 2 rows. Sometimes it may not be a bad thing the edge is not being covered as lesser algae issue.
  4. Good to provide a list of items that you wish to purchase and where you will be staying. From there, we can advise you accordingly. To answer you, GO does have a shop.
  5. Do give us your visiting schedule to all lfses. This will prepare them for your visit. Either a close door sales or warm welcome by all reefers, customers, friends, shop owners. You will be visiting ML soon right. Maybe get Henry to open a welcome party. Reef on.
  6. To Uncle Jon, not sure about the price of gold flake. Can't help on this. Maybe you can get pole to checkout for you. To marine reefer, didn't see any AT around. Hope this helps.
  7. Iwarna Hawaii shipment reached. Nice size gold flake angel and potteri angel. Flame wrasse male, Bartlett , flame angel, yellow tang, kole tang, etc.
  8. Iwarna has rosy scale wrasse, Midas Benny, small blue tangs, cleaning crews like shrimps, urchins, abalone , Bali corals and those glow in the dark fishes.
  9. Gosh. Hope the nick is not starting with "M" and ending with "n". Happened to my friend why he was selling frags. Came but showed no interests in buying and gave comment on the setup etc. Upz for yr sales.
  10. Must engrave yr name on it. Lol
  11. Look for fish channel under the sponsor column. Think they can do it . All the best.
  12. Collection at Tanah Merah MRT area. First come first serve. Priced to clear by this weekend. SMS 913-eight-9614 to arrange for collection. 1. FREE Marine Fishes - Blue Tang, Clown Fish and Pyjama Cardinal. Collect by this weekend. Bring own container. 2. $15 - Fish feeder + 1/2 bottle New Life Spectrum marine pellets 3. $30 - Mag-Float floating magnet aquarium cleaner 4. $40 - Coralife marine salt [1 pail unopened] 5. $300 - Skimz Monzter SM-150 Protein Skimmer 6. $100 - Live rocks [3 large pails full] 7. $100 - 2x Tunze 6025 nanostream wavemakers
  13. user looking at $1000. RSP is $2099.
  14. Helping friend to post. No more warranty. Age between 1.5 to 2 years. Viewing and collection at pasir ris/tampines. More details will be given.
  15. Just to clarity, the recent ssc shipment was referring to this week. Colonies were already reserved when customers stepped in at 10am. LFSes are running business and it will be hard to please all reefers. One has to accept the fact that each LFS will have their preferred customers and reefers with limited resources have to decide where to place their bet. irresponsible and non constructive comment are best keep to oneself as they can be detrimental to LFS business, especially to newbies who don't know head or tail and just relying on forum review or comment. Moving forward, hope to see objective and factual comment.
  16. Bro, can DIY or buy giesman to do a wall mount otherwise can consider DIY rack or go DE for ready made rack. Hope this help.
  17. for those who went early in the recent ssc shipment, there were ssc being reserved. So comment made was rather unfair to certain extend. just that there was a lot and most who went got their gem. For those spies, if any, low.class.
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