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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. Hope yr chiller can support yr tank volume.
  2. Interested in yr argi angel and possible the 2 divided wrasses.
  3. Guam shipment arrived. Fish colour variation seems to be a bit different. Many shepadi angel, hybrid of rusty and flame. Good chance to own ome which used to be rare.
  4. Do read up how to setup proper DSB and the size ratio to yr tank to make it effective. With the advance of technology and chemical, one may choose other options. All the best.
  5. Hawaii shipment arrived at iwarna. Many yellow tangs, flame angel, potteries angel, lemon peel angel, fisheries angel, barlett anthias, disappearing wrasse, and 8 line wrasses, etc. LASTLY, nice size bandit and goldflake angel.
  6. Think iwarna side might have deltec 601 CR for sales. Get coolguy to chk for you if you know him. Price is likely to be very competitive. All the best.
  7. Not un-named...think is the current bidding zoa called the red berries hornet. Good catch.
  8. Think many additives companies can close shop Liao.... Whatever it is, this is a product review. Think it's is only fair for those who used to comment and for those interested to use to read more and ask more. Not trying to start any debate. What worked for one may not work for the other.
  9. For filter sponge, depending on yr water level and placement, just make provision for chokage and flooding. Happened to me once and now placed 4 pipes vertically to ensure any overflow will goes to sump and not flood out. Just my 2 cents sharing. From yr description, your new place at fernvale area?
  10. Yes, they do create shimmering effect like MH but your LED placement and type do play a part.
  11. Realized someone ever posted the video. Refer to the link. Refer to post 120 for the video.
  12. Hi, looking for one unit. Do pm me the details. Thanks.
  13. They will be opened. Iwarna has small hippo tangs. Many fishes and corals at Iwarna due to aquarama.
  14. Haha. Where's yr best buddy. Lol
  15. Personal experience, bubble king. Money an issue, reef octopus to bubble magus.
  16. To those who went Iwarna and saw this blue white device rotating(think around less than 180 degree) a baoyu wavemaker, managed to get a hand on it. Used it to mount my 6055 and find the result promising. It created random wave effect within my tank and minimized dead spot. This device is like the wavy sea except it poses less risk and is mobile. Less risk in the sense that it does not affect your return and mobile is it can be used on bracing or rimless. Setback is the current mount is suitable for newer seio and sun sun wave maker. However, a little mod can be done to mount baoyu and older nano tunze magnet is strong enough to secure itself to the mounting plate. Will try to post video.
  17. Lastly, support.... Agent of AI is reef depot which they seldom fail me. Price may be slightly premium but it is meant for premium services. One thing good is for reefing equipment, should there be breakdown, they usually will take parts from new equipment and replace them for you. Failing which, they will loan you a set till you got back your own set. Unlike some lfses here which adopted collective shipment to send faulty equipment back to principal to repair. This may take weeks to months and the warranty still runs concurrently. Worst is absence of your reefing equipment. Just imagine yr tank without light, skimmer, etc. For radion, the agent is pacifica. Not much dealing with them but rather disappointed on the upgrade option for radion g1 to g2. Till now, nothing heard for exchange program........encountered some waiting times on the fan replacement then, lucky I have spare lightset to pull through the period. Will try to upload the photos of my tank with AI vega.
  18. Coming to software, I will condense them together. For AI, the operation and programming are rather straight forward. Due to my old school, I still prefer AI wireless controller and guided operation and programming. For those more adventurous and seeking more customization, radion is the one. For me who is lazy to studying in details and hook up to pc to do programming, my vote goes to AI.
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