Lastly, support....
Agent of AI is reef depot which they seldom fail me. Price may be slightly premium but it is meant for premium services. One thing good is for reefing equipment, should there be breakdown, they usually will take parts from new equipment and replace them for you. Failing which, they will loan you a set till you got back your own set. Unlike some lfses here which adopted collective shipment to send faulty equipment back to principal to repair. This may take weeks to months and the warranty still runs concurrently. Worst is absence of your reefing equipment. Just imagine yr tank without light, skimmer, etc.
For radion, the agent is pacifica. Not much dealing with them but rather disappointed on the upgrade option for radion g1 to g2. Till now, nothing heard for exchange program........encountered some waiting times on the fan replacement then, lucky I have spare lightset to pull through the period.
Will try to upload the photos of my tank with AI vega.