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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. Alamak.....small one can lar....buy all from Bro Vtec.....if not i feel very sinful leh...... Bro Vtec, if you got the remaining 10 and got problem selling, sell to me...but give me all juvenile one....big one pass to Bro Keanetom....hehehehe.
  2. lol, wat time is the shipment....should be late by now....lol Bro Dackie....that is a fire shrimp.....hehe...wont eat your small fishes.....will help to clean your fishes....
  3. Bro, u buy all 20 huh.....think u must standby reefscape engineer....lol.....worry about your scaping...hehehe. Bro Vtec, u can open one marriage agency for snail liao....lol...All the best. : )
  4. Previously seen it at AM but was quite sometime back. 3 tanks...small, medium and huge. The rest, only saw bits and pieces. The one at coral farm is not fire shrimp....one super big tank.....with all red shrimp. Will be red when the lightings are intense. I got 2 but all up the lorry...kena whacked by all livestocks....lol
  5. Bro, i believe is your water. Maybe good to make a 50% water change. I have one blue tang with popped eyes. After water changed, the eye resumed back to normal. However, this symptom comes on and off. Finally, it behaved strangely and died mysteriously. Maybe some expert can address the actual cause and illness's name. For 100% water change, if you have livestock and you manage to adjust the new water to your current water condition, it should alright. However, if you got livestock and unable to match the water condition in your tank, the livestock may get stressed and become weak. All the best. Thanks.
  6. Bro Fishtalk, if you need help in tearing your tank...do voice out....hehe...will be there to help catch the murderer....
  7. Me waiting for your address to visit you and view my blasto....lol
  8. hahahaha...u made me happy for a moment. Lol.
  9. Is that zoas, if yes, i will be interested. Thanks.
  10. Bro Fishtalk got it from coral farm.....if they disappeared...and you want to find them.....put a dead fish.....wala.....they will surface .....hehehe....
  11. Upz for you bro. Have seen frag 1 & 2, doing well. Will support your frag 2 for $15.
  12. Bro, not easy to explain through typing...england not powderful....wahahaha.... Anyway, even if someone can pen it down, not sure whether you can get to understand it. My suggestion is go search the forum under the marine setup or member's tank. Many snr reefers have posted their progress in setting up and design in their tank. For me, i go round seeing ppl's setup to understand their concept and ways of doing thing. Still, i am confused....lol.....nevertheless, impressed with some snr setup.....and learned their regrets and mistake.... As for your query on the sump, your sump should have a mechanical filter to filter big particles.....thereafter.....the filtered water can go thr other filtering layers or into a big compartment(or separate compartment) where you skimmer, FR, UV, etc are in. For Skimmer, there are insump or external type. Hence, u have to determine. I will advice you to read other ppl's experience. Sorry, cant help much. All the best.
  13. Bro, not to what i know. Though there are shops selling juvenile brineshrimp.....but the supply doesnt come regular....suggest you let your tank matures....there are few ways to cultivate pods(mine is the not the professional method)...hehehe.for me...i used to have some floating mushrooms. So i put a beta box in my tank and placed some rocks and the floating mushrooms in it. Tilt the box to have mild flow. Dose some zoo/plankton max solution and whenever i feel my fishes, some of the food will sink into the beta box. Ignore it for weeks and you can see pods...hehe....just wait a bit longer...i think they will spread and thereafter, go get the fish. Hopefully the pods can last her till she learned to eat live brine shrimp. They are very cute...hehehe.....at times when my mandarin sees me....she will open up her fins and wanting to challenge me....she looks like ultrawoman.... anyway, you can try to get mandarin from ML, henry, and confirm his mandarin does eat his henry gourmet. This will increase the survival rate. Selection and source also play important role. Maybe you do a search to understand the proper method to cultivate pods.... Above is my personal experience. Open to snr's correction. All the best. : )
  14. Bro, think it is good to provide hiding places. I am keeping mixed but with lots of rock with "cave"....when i turn off the lights...you can see the fishes will go back to their usual hiding place to rest. It is good to keep tamed fishes from being whacked by agreesive fishes(speed plays a part). Anyway, i think for FOWLR setup, good to have a nice rock scape which allow the fishes to swim ard....it is to appreciate how the fishes swim and play ard......just my personal experience and thinking.... heard you are also in cycling(hope i remember correctly). If yes, are you in road or mountain biking? Me in mountain biking. Hehe.
  15. BLUE ZOA>.....hehehe...nice nice....bubble red....seldom see...usually saw white and green.....where u got the gems.... p/s: Bro fishtalk, me home now but will have dinner with wife. Will contact u shortly. Sorry.
  16. Ya....he needs super sun to change the attention...hehehe... nice tank with nice setup and happy fishes.. taking notes....lol
  17. Alien eyes......bro.....keep me posted if you selling...may consider if price is comfortable. Yr tank getting prettier each day with new add-on. HeheheHehehe.
  18. Bro peace, this happen to you before huh....wahahaha....joking : ) Your new start seems promising. Keep up the good work. Hehe.
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