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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. golden post from bro fishtalk...hehe....hows life bro. Bro Mecedesfish, though there is opening but from the picture, it seems tank's sides are sealed. I presume there is a gap behind your tank to let the hot air escapes or it solely depends on ventilation holes......hmm...seldom see ppl do lourve doors....Great that you come here to seek comments from senior reefers. Their inputs are valuable and practical. Anyway, mind pming me roughly how much you paid for your tank set....less the equipment....just the tank, cabinet, pipe and sump. Thanks.
  2. welcome to singapore. You need tour guide, maybe Bro Thomas can offer since he seems to know nanson road so well....wahaha.....other places are pasir farms........normal zoas but depending on your luck, may get gem zoas at reasonable price....
  3. impressive. Bro, for your chiller, you might want to ensure enough clearance behind even though you have vents for ventilation. Just my 2 cents worth opinion.
  4. Hi Bro RedDevil, may sharing the age and condition...and a reasonable price you think.....thanks.
  5. thanks bro. Wanted to try the tunze top up. Thanks again. All the best for your sales.
  6. MWTB the following items if got good offer: Tunze Osmolator Water top-up Aqua Bee 3000 Aqua Bee 3000 and 2000i impellor Standby pump for return( current pump is having 5000....) 6055 ATI Power Module or Matrix 8 tubes Tank 3.5 X 2 X 2 or 4 X 2 X 2(stilling exploring) Controller if price is super attractive...lol. Thanks for your attention.
  7. LCK 201(yesterday list) Hybrid Neon Gobies Sohal Tang AT Alantic Blue Tang Kole Yellow Eye Tang Picaso Clown Black Clown Flame Angel.... CF nothing very special....still got sone clams and special anthias in their front tank...like blotchy but more yellow.... .also got kole yellow eye tangs.....lef
  8. if you need, i do have 2 packs left for emergency. Can sell you one for emergency use. Got it from petmart previously. Maybe you can try there. : )
  9. i find it alright. You need some green to break the tones....hehe
  10. sorry to disappoint you. The chiller was sold. Sorry to all who just pmed me. Should have updated the thread. Thread closed.
  11. woww....hehe....dont mind trying....kekeke....
  12. nice tank bro. Haha....think you must stop going farm liao....kekeke
  13. lol.....thanks for sharing.....maybe that is their courtship....one plays hard to get and the other must be violent to conquer...hehehe...my clowns seem to behave the same...can fight but will sleep together....think their memory only last one day....sighz...
  14. i think you are right.....saw this fish at AM for quite sometime. Another type which i got tricked was the blenny which also has the neon blue strips but the mouth is like a sucker fish......fierce fish which will attack other fishes and its own kind. .....
  15. i mean blue and yellow neon. This mixed one....not sure. Maybe someone can post their encounter if they already own one blue or yellow neon. Definitely hope they can live in harmony....
  16. hahaha....not sure...based on my limited experience....closed fin follows by stiff swimming style is not encouraging....of course...if they swimming UP and DOWN...lol.....and display curiosity....should be fine....also....heard from reefers that if their poo is white....it might indicate that they kena poison during their capturing process....since you said they eat like pig(if you kept them for years then i think this will not apply to your clown)...their poo should be brown.....anyway...my experience is limited as i killed many clowns in my attempts(seems like velvet problem)- very sinful(reason seems to be new tank sydrome)....hence cannot comment much....just sharing what i encountered. Just hope your clowns are ok. : )
  17. Bro Piero, how's thing. Hope everything is in order. : )
  18. bro...thought you posted earlier..... no need heating lar.....that is one that worries most of us...heat...hehe....unless you stay in a place where got snow..... skimmer is recommended. Depending on your size to find one suitable and effective one. Live rock is a yes if not nothing to do in the scaping. basic test kit...for a start maybe NO2, pH, SG & PO...the later will be KH, Cal, Mg, NO3, etc. As mentioned, for some skimmer, there is already skimmer and filter, whereas some skimmer, you can inprovise something to filter particles. For your powerhead filter, i think is possible but make sure no much bubble created.....can regular cleaning to ensure it is not a NO generator....light is needed....chorcoal and PO remover media is recommended and depending on your tank size to determine the implementation. Just my 2 cents worth of advice.
  19. he means they might fight to death.....heard from some other reefers 2.....
  20. how is their fin behaving ...open or close and are they swimming like very stiff? if yes....not very promising.....
  21. if your number is under singtel, you can still receive but login to IDEAS to view. Other provider might have this service also. : )
  22. thanks for the reminder. Think hard to get one fatter than my current 2 blue neons....tempting...wahahaha...bro, i will try to take a pic of the bracket and ask my contractor to assess. Will get back to you. Paiseh for the incident. Will try my best to help you. Hope you strike the coming 3m toto. : )
  23. nice neon goby....sighz....think dont have much left....happy for those who got it.... : )
  24. lol.....bro dackie...cool down....wahahaha...
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