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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. thanks for the info. Think will have to wait till tomorrow then drop by to see see look look. : )
  2. thinking to embark new holding tank to stabalise power series tang.....before mixing and transfer to my new tang.......lol
  3. lol.......my tank is ok....now going to plan my new tank....thinking on the piping now and planning the sump. headache....new flat coming also......and with my jr.......feb maybe can chiong feb regularly..cos might have transport for short period......subject to approval...from jr and CEO...lol.....
  4. before i can stop you already bought so many....wahahaha....take it easy bro....hehe....no matter what, i think you can reach your goal....kekeke..
  5. lol bro....you are ready for it right....hehehe
  6. wow....nice fishes and setup. : )
  7. bro, to my understanding, they will open tomorrow. All the best. : )
  8. you got from CF? When in a group, you got to observe quite to confirm which are the aggressive vs gentle one....but no guarantee....maybe you got 2 of the same sex....as long as the weaker one can pull through the whack....they will stay together.....all the best bro.
  9. white cheek tang does look like powder blown but think less white on the face...... based on the 1 pic...the orange tail seems to trade mark for AT except that the orange tear drop is not obvious..........
  10. bro, what are their size? if one big and one small....likely they will pair up
  11. Update: 1. Pin Point pH monitor - Decided to keep for own consumption. Thanks to the bro who reserved for being understanding. 2. Reef Glove from RD - Sold. Thanks to the buyer who had to come down to sk to collect. : ) 3. Pin Point pH controller - Sold. Thanks for meeting up and minimise my losses. : ) Sorry for the trouble. Hope the replacement is smooth. Anything, just give me a ring. Thanks. 4. Macro Orp Controller has received offer for 80 - Sold and thanks for coming down to collect. 5. ORP ###### pH controller - Reserved for Bro LXXXXX. Meeting later to transact. Thanks for your attention. Thanks for the interests and time. Will be transacting soon once the last ph/orp controller has buyer. Hope no pilot. Thanks.
  12. finally you posted your FTS. Hehe. Nice nice. : )
  13. Thanks bro tansk. Update: 1. Pin Point pH monitor has received offer for $100 - By Bro LXXXXXX - 9xxxx249 - Thanks for the understanding 2. Reef Glove from RD - Sold. Thanks to the buyer who had to come down to sk to collect. : ) 3. Pin Point pH controller - Sold. Thanks for meeting up and minimise my losses. : ) 4. Macro Orp Controller has received offer for 80 - by Bro AXXX - 9xxxx991 Thanks for the interests and time. Will be transacting soon once the last ph/orp controller has buyer. Hope no pilot. Thanks.
  14. bro, how is the prata....i have a skimz fr but not sure whether u like it or not. selling $30. pm me if interested.
  15. Thanks bro tansk. Update: 1. Pin Point pH monitor has received offer for $100 - By Bro LXXXXXX - 9xxxx249 - Thanks for the understanding 2. Reef Glove from RD - reserved for Bro DXXXXX - 9xxxx469 3. Pin Point pH controller has received offer for $220 - By Bro B/GXXXX. 4. Macro Orp Controller has received offer for 80 - by Bro AXXX - 9xxxx991 Thanks for the interests and time. Will be transacting soon once the last ph/orp controller has buyer. Hope no pilot. Thanks.
  16. upz for my search and sales....thanks for your attention
  17. Update: 1. Pin Point pH monitor has received offer for $100 - By Bro LXXXXXX - 9xxxx249 - Thanks for the understanding 2. Reef Glove from RD - reserved for Bro DXXXXX - 9xxxx469 3. Pin Point pH controller has received offer for $200 - By Bro TXXXX. also Got a 3ft by 1 ft by 1.5 ft sump with 2 compartment(ratio is 2:1). Selling $20. Collection at sengkang.
  18. Update: 1. Pin Point monitor has received offer for $100 - By Bro LXXXXXX - 9xxxx249 - Thanks for the understanding 2. Reef Glove from RD - reserved for Bro DXXXXX - 9xxxx469
  19. Hi bro, maybe i should start a bid system here but no timeline. Me trying to raise funds for new project....if this bid fails, i will abort and use them. I am open to offer but no ridiculous offer. I reserve the rights to stop the bid anytime and sell to anyone i preferred. Appreciate your understanding on this. Thanks.
  20. Hi, might want to sell the following controllers: Pin Point pH controller - Brand new Pin Point pH monitor - Brand new Macro ORP controller - need to change probe. Can measure positive and negative reading - to my understanding. One controller which can controll either pH or ORP - need to change probe Selling above as items were purchased for new project. Might be going for new toy, hence will try to sell them and if no taker, might just keep them and use them. Please quote reasonably and send pm to me. I reserve the rights to sell to anyone i prefer. Pilot and super ridiculous bargain hunter will be ignored. 1. Still have a 3ft 4 tubes AM retrofit lightset to sell at $150. Individual reflector. Comes with used tubes. Has 2 power sockets to control 2 tubes respectively. 2. One 2 ft by 1 ft by 1.5ft normal fish tank with wooden stand for sales - $20 3. Jebao and H n H canister filter and dophin overhead filters for sales - ranging 20 to 40. 4. Reef Glove from Reef depot - RP is $35, selling $20(got 2 hence selling one) 5. Hydrometer - floating or scale type. 6. Nano hang on filter x 2 7. Deltec PF600s. The ab3000 needs new impellor. Selling 300. Also looking for good condition 6055. Prefer the set to be purchased from RD. If you have to let go, please pm me the condition and price you are looking for. Thanks. .....got quite a number of air pumps for sales also.... Thanks for your attention.
  21. what are they? FOC or with small token? might need them as my wave maker dont have the hanging kit, etc
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