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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. wait for CF or iwarna to bring in and buy in bulk....prepare at least 1k for it....hehe.
  2. Also got left over bio balls to give. Got from Bro Larry. Collection will be at punggol central.
  3. For those interested in full moon goby, can try visiting CF in coming weeks. Apart from last week shipment, they have them in this week shipment also but sold already. All the best.
  4. Hi, The rocks should range from small to medium. Collection will be on monday, from 5 to 6 pm. Address is Sengkang Rivervale Dr, Blk 188c. Interested, please pm me. FOC and bring your own container, etc. Thanks.
  5. fish list: 1. 3 Purple Tang 2. 3 Yellow Tang 3. 2 Sohal Tang 4. 1 Clown Tang 5. 1 Convict Tang 6. 1 Kole Tang 7. 1 Chevron Tang 8. 1 Alantic Blue Tang 9. 2 Blue Tang 10. 1 Powder Blue Tang 11. 1 Alantic Archillies Tang 12. 2 Sailfin Tang 13. 2 Sunburst Anthia 14. 4 true perculas Clown 15. 2 Maroon Clown 16. 2 Black Ocellaris Clown 17. Paired Flame Wrasse 18. Paired Blue Sided Wrasse 19. Paired Carpenter Flasher Wrasse 20. Paired Red Fin Wrasse 21. Paired Rosy Scale Wrasse 22. 2 Yellow Wrasse 23. 2 Purple Queen Anthia 24. 2 yellow clown goby 25. 1 green goby 26. 1 Mida Blenny 27. 1 Multiline Basslet 28. 1 Algae Blenny 29. 1 Flame Angel 30. 1 Mystery Wrasse 31. 3 Cleaner Shrimps 32. 3 Fire Shrimps 33. Scarlet Hermits, snails, sand star, etc. (that's all i can remember) Livestock yet to port over... 1. Flame Hawk 2. Peppermint Hog(if not sold, will bring over).
  6. For the tank size, must be very nice to see all yr fishes swimming around. For your angels and tangs, as long they live in harmony with ocassional chasing, it should be fine. For your wrasse, u better have your tank top covered incase they got stress and start flying and die of suffocation....lol. Think you got fish poison like me....maybe can pay you a visit to see your fishes. : )
  7. think u might have forget on some angels and tangs....especially those u mentioned....high chance they can't survive unless you remove your existing tangs and angels....for bandit...even if introduce as first fish, you must get it feeding before can talking about survival.....
  8. i might have a spare sander C50 for sales.....pm me if you are interested. : )
  9. for radiant wrasse, only one place to get......the price is the cheapest.......
  10. think the LFS will have new ideas in their staff....new trend but unhealthy for those under 18 or 21....lol
  11. Keep us posted. Did plan to get to power my tank but wasn't available. Start a new thread on your tank. Hehe. So you gotten your new flat?
  12. if want to buy livestock, i will recommend farm visits(pasir ris) and for equipment, 328. At times, travelling abit is worth the effort. Well, there are helpful reefers who can bring you round or tonpang you to farm visit. : )
  13. agrees and support your decision. Me also strong supporter for ATI PM. Be confident in your product and sell to those who appreciate them. Of course there are cheaper options outside and when one wants to buy secondhand stuff, be prepared to take some risk. Even if buy brand new, there will still be risk. : )
  14. lol, weird comment, once out from shop, is already second hand.....if the shop sells you second hand stuff and claim to be brand new....then something is wrong.....
  15. Has 2 sets of 250W SE MH lightset for sales. It comes with spider reflector. From DE Lighting and using electronic ballast. No rack. Selling $280. MWTS 10 tubes, 4ft, ATI Powermodule. Selling $950. Deltec KM500. Selling $250. More things will come after my complete setup. Thanks.
  16. i got a 10 tubes ATI PM...u interested? lol.
  17. 8 cm...keep longer and can cook and eat it.....lol
  18. there are sure many good reefers who share. I also got dead and live sand also. However, i do understand collection without transport will be a headache. : )
  19. haha, so now you know who to seek help when u encounter flood, call bro thomas, he is experienced. Maybe he is doing free lance in helping ppl to clean up flood incident....hehe
  20. and wave maker and wave box do have some differences. . . one is making current and the other is displacement of water.
  21. you can try to get it at some farms, especially those selling koi. Maybe you can try serangoon north pet shops or LFSes at pasir ris farm or jalan kayu. Alternatively, you can try toyogo. : )
  22. For my setup, the initial cycling was salt mix with tap water. Thereafter, i change water with NSW. i also uses dead rock, hoping to avoid getting bobby or bristleworm(doubt is possible unless i dont add coral or always treat them before adding to my main tank). Using live sand and dosing bacteria to speed up the cycling. I used close to one month for cycling.
  23. for NSW, can try LCK or iwarna. Maybe you want to consider white sand to break the contrast. Your concept is the same as mind. Full black cabinet and act as separator between dinner and living hall. Impressive setup. Keep the updates coming. : )
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