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Everything posted by Solo77

  1. Apart from pricing, will like to know the warranty and support such as repair, lead time for repair, etc. Thanks.
  2. no problem bro, just exchanging...got lots of thing to learn also. think i saw u at farm before. Nice meeting you also. Chat with u some other days. Cheers.
  3. bro, raise the water level and put sponge near the teeth. The noise is caused by the water gushing down to the overflow box( i presume). is the noise louder then the day u came to my house?
  4. fish sold to a nice bro. Thread closed. Thanks.
  5. tentatively reserved for viewing tonight. Thanks.
  6. Selling just one true per. Size is 2 inches plus. Got it from Coral Farm also. With me for more than 6 months. Reason for selling, cant get alone well with my other pers and got bullied. Trapped in my betta box. Collection at punggol central. Selling $15. Thanks.
  7. Glad to hear things are fine. Mine is 1 yr old. Great if you stay near north east, near your workplace and my place....lol. Bro, certain things can change while others remain. Title is nothing....just posted alot of BS....hehe...nothing beats real and proven experience which i lack. The education and knowledge transfers may be successful and that explains the reason why ppl getting better equipment. The list i got was the result of poison by you....hahaha. Ya, through, to cure the temptation is to stop visiting forum....which i am trying ...wahaha....hopeful the day u come back is not the day i decom.... : )
  8. My understanding from bro weapon master is the flow rate is between 2000 to 3000, he is using 1262 and ok fir his 4ft tank. Hope this help.
  9. Haha, invent a auto cleaner. . Hehe
  10. my understanding is ard 2 yrs. So far no problem for him, Maybe he is lucky, hope i am lucky 2 as i had gotten his set for standby purpose. lol.
  11. Bro weapon master was ex owner, a happy owner. Do a search, feedback for 1/2 hP might have thermostat problem which need external control. Not that noisy compared to their older model.
  12. Most ppl want it at juvenile, too big, ppl doesn't really want to pay same price, lol, lck will have them depending on shipment. Cf got one juvenile one, learning to eat pellet. All the best.
  13. Hi bro, didn really keep one but knew ppl who kept, the orange body will slowly turned to brown but body lines will still be there. In actual fact, not really brown cos it does display some purplish colour at the body and fin under blue light. Hope this help.
  14. Ok, getting more stable but mostly fishes, slowly stock up corals. Yup, shifted to new hse.
  15. Bro, based on yr tank size, recommended chiller capacity will be 1/3. Maybe that explains. In general, I think 2000 to 3000l/h are recommended for 1/4 to 1/3 chiller. Hope this help.
  16. Later? Maybe can. . . Lol
  17. think u set the history in giving the most free stuff....lol. Upz. Too bad the bulk order purchase didn't materialise but if u got good lobang, can pm me in future.... Lol.
  18. long time no see...must catch up with you soon to learn from you...lol
  19. hi bro, it is nothing. hope the rocks are of use to you. I have been reefing without a car and understand the difficulties. When i heard u intend to cycle to collect, i know it is impossible as i also cycle....there are lots of better and kind reefers around, just bring it on and pass on so that everyone enjoy this. The community isnt that big. Cheers.
  20. hi bro, how is your kid, are u coming back ? my thread is very messy...lol
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