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  1. haha..until he complains about power consumption, spending 8 X $280 is not very viable too! but i'll keep tt in mind
  2. dude, agree that it is a good pond pump..but dun think can use for marine..check out all those metallic parts in contact with the water? dunno about it being subjected to pressure load but usually such pumps r flow pumps. oh yeah one more critical prob with such pumps..they r direct shaft driven, meaning they have a dynamic seal with infilled oil to run without shorting..tt means they have relative shorter life span compared to magnetic pumps..the seal needs to be replace every now and then depending on the operation condition..most ppl will think that the pump konked when the dynamic seal is worn out and short..but can be fixed easily..
  3. I don't think there is a need to top up unless there is a leak..dun think the freon would disappear or disintergrate within the system.. if the efficiency of the chiller drops, there could be many reasons..such as higher loading due to flucuating ambient temp; clog up Heat exchanger from calcium deposit or slime; wear/tear of the compressor system since it is a electro-mechanical device causing it to lose it's efficieny; wear/tear of the condensor fan, wear/tear of ur feed pump slowing down the flowrate...millions of reasons of reduction in efficiency.. car aircon system undergo more stress than our chiller operations..most of the time when u need to topup your car's gas is when there is minute leaks here and there in the car system..there r many parts and joints which are shaken and stressed as we ram our car to limbo... as again, i don't think freon disappear or vanish from the system if it is completely sealed..well i could be wrong..
  4. nothing to be proud of, but the house i stay in pays PUB on the average $800+ per mth.. mostly contributed by my tank and my dad's pond..his stupid inefficient pond pumps are rated at 880w per pump and he has 8 of them running..but not all at the same time.. mx100 seemed like a better buy!
  5. nope..i'm just using acrylic...but it is true tt acrylic will turn yellow after a while..either from oxidation or from some other reasons, maybe just due to slime coat after a while...don't know..didn't do anything about it..plexiglass will not turn yellow under normal cricumstances... my 7ft X 3 X 2.5 glass tank is diy with DC795..so far i hate the silicone becoz it is still so soft after more than 1 yr, but i made precautions to reinforce the tank structure with my DIY SS stand! no major issues.. i would attempt a plexiglass tank if i decide to move and downgrade the tank size
  6. shouldn't be any problem..my sumps which r even bigger are either 6mm or 8mm thickness..but of coz there r internal partitions which strengthen the build
  7. max:haha....i like ur clean cut observation of wat a funneled neck can or cannot do....but it just didn't exactly tie in with my "real" experience with so many types of becket skimmer designs with or without the addition of the funnel/tappering. it is not a matter of easier wet foam collection when a design like this is implemented ..i think we r not aiming at getting wet foam, but stable foam! and from my experience, a tapper neck does somehow, in it's miraculous "H&S and Deltec" way, produces a very stable foam head..minimal turbulence, minimal ups and downs....of coz with stable foam head, u can adjust to collect easily, "wet" or dry foam..so u r not wrong to make ur conjecture this way... btw, have you design a becket before or try to make one urself?? if you have di before, have you varied some conditions within the design to test out various theories practically? or is it just off the shelves skimmer you played with or some literature you read online?? some dudes in RC slam becket design for needlewheel eurureef becoz he din have much exp with the former skimmer..wat a con! I do agree with you that you could pin point skimmer design issues using your 12" bubbleking as a reference.. ie..if the 12" scum maker doesn't have this feature, so, well, nothing much to say about ur skimmer which does have this feature....needlewheel is king just as "bubble-kings"! i read about this skimmer online elsewhere and was amazed by the quality!! ..but wat happen to deltec, the brand you once swore ur life to? is it not as good as bubbleking?? how bad is it in terms of perfomance comparison between similar units?? and in wat way is it not as good as bubble king for whichever design flaw you can point out? i'm keen to know..btw, how much did u pay for the 12" BK?? and who is selling it??i have not touch this forum in detail for a long time..so i do not know exactly who distribute this king...you sure will help boost the sales by bringing in more of your inputs!! i wished i had a bubble king ....i had an aerofoamer for try once..I fudge numerous aerofoamers and i fudge even the latest design implementation to the new series of aerofoamer....sadly the skimmer has some flaws which i hope the becket skimmer design commitee (is there such a thing) can resolve in future designs...and i won't use Aerofoamer as the industrial standard for becket skimmer designs..knowing the same problems that can occur to it too... i wished i had a ferrari too!
  8. I do not know the rational of retaining the high pressure on the wet end....it might have something to do with the restart cycle of the compressor using a TEV. after the compressor shuts off, it may not be able to restart immediately due to lockup in the compressor. something to do with pressure equilisation across the high pressure and low pressure end..this is from my own observation of my own diy chiller..after shutoff the system need to stay off for a few mins in order to restart again (say after a momentary power trip)... maybe the solenoid valve have something to do with this issue...for my case, i simply set an anti-restart duration within my temp controller so tt the system do not switch itself on instaneously when power is up. i do not know wat brand my probe is, but i simply chuck it into my sump..it is stainless steel made but it can rust..after ard 1 yr of usage..it will screw up..so i replace the probe with another one $15..i dun want to silicone it becoz it might lag the temp response. I totally forgot about the super heat theory liao..but i remember reading a lot about it before i charge the system and i ensure the values of my system fall within the optimum range....i have no doubt of the way of charging since my system has been efficient since day 1..
  9. note: charge only when chiller is running with full load.. i did not install the sight device, i measure the superheat value for gauging the charge.
  10. http://www.aquarealms.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12391
  11. me?? shit how'd u find out!!damn..i can only afford to get a very small frag for FREE..cause my 7ft tank is so heavy i can't put in a whole colony..might crack my balcony. comeon I'm definitely not the one..coz i wun just frag 1 tiny branch, a few would make the trip more worthwhile...anyway my tank is not a SPS tank! I'm not upset..i'm just excited to meet a prospective millionaire! comeon think of the money this guy has saved due to this thriftiness!! don't forget he'll make my skimmer proud!
  12. duh! wat misunderstanding? no names are mentioned yet, wat apologies are we talking about? If no one intentionally frag to have it for free then we r just blabbing! If u feel that you have been wrongly accused or ur fragging action is by all means acceptable by your own set of values with a clear conscience, then either keep quiet about it and speak out for urself. hey man this is my 3rd or 4th post in this matter liao..and i don't usually post....all i'm asking is the name of this son-of-a-rotten-frag! If you guys saw me doing some "unethical" acts just spell my name here clearly lar..i'll be glad be tell you my side of the "story" the matter was very clear from post 1, let's not digress and "imagine" excuses to give that chap the benefit of doubt...Don't indulge in politicking just shoot the name and my skimmer will thank you for it!
  13. oei..not fair hor..all of you know and i'm left out.... dun worry i have no access to pig heads to hang at anyone's house..i just wanna name my skimmer after him..as it is always full of SHIT!
  14. let's not talk about LFS and wat they should or should not do. It's their business, they can do anything they want..and we the consumers likewise can do wat we want with our livestock. let's get back to the main topic of pointing out that son-of-a-rotten-frag! so who is he/she?? ah pek/soh or kiddo also never mind..just name him/her and let him defend himself - "er..no i din frag the colony lah..you saw it wrongly, the colony really likes me and decide to break off her precious branch for me to bring home-FREE!"
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