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finbir last won the day on November 22 2022

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  1. Keeping one is like owning a Tasmanian Devil. Even Mike Tyson can't deliver a punch like it. Unless u enjoy those mortal combat stuffs but then.... to each his own.
  2. Good deal! Paid more during my time!
  3. imho, will buy from hobbyist anytime! Couple of bad experiences getting from fish shops only to see them die ços not stable?
  4. With such ample space, it needs a freak accident for it to stumble into the anemone. Maybe, judging by its darkened coloration at death; could be a case of poisoning. Not sure if they still bring in cyanide-caught fish. Those caught by cyanide usually thrive for a period and then that's it!
  5. How about an overall pic of the tank before any further comments?
  6. Just giving my two cents worth on things I think fit to talk about.

  7. It looks quite thin. Hopefully, feeding it soaked raw nori (not the baked type for human consumption) and brown seaweed ( sargassum) may help it regain its health.
  8. U should watch them grow! It's an unforgettable experience n they really massacre the algae. Enjoy ! 1
  9. As QT tank needs only a small qty of fluid, perhaps the cheapest way out is to get a 5 gallon holder to transport seawater from the sea (foc). Water just need to run thru a filter for a couple of hrs b4 usage.
  10. As late as 2001, fishes like PT, YT, Blueface, Scribbled angelfish, to name a few, were going for around $20 to $30. Nowadays , prices are exorbitant!
  11. Hi pal, It's advisable 2 buy the above brand new. Had bad experience from 2 used wavemaker pumps. They only lasted about 2 mths! The sellers r still active in this forum but I don't blame them.
  12. Fix the problem or no payment. One of my nephews did n they'd to get it done. No decent shop will do such a sloppy job and dare to deliver it. Finbir.
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