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Everything posted by KaEN

  1. thanks i scare it dies just like tat when i'm sleeping and crash my tank juz like tat....
  2. should be open, is been floating around, i scare it might sting my soft coral, juz now i applied medical oil, i cant shift my coral now.......
  3. i'm also veri shocked to see this... can i use need to poke and let the air out??
  4. Hi all, today after i reached home from fishing, i found tat my anemone is floating?! then i discovered tat so air was trapped in few of its tenacles, i realy dun noe how can air been trapped in, but now the most impt thing is, does anyone knows how to get the trapped air out????
  5. KaEN

    anemone for swap

    hah, i noe whr, thanks! terryansimon, he mean the place call mainland, not singapore mainland=P
  6. Hi all, i juz bought a anemone yesterday(02/12/03) and found out is too big for my 2feet tank....this fellow look so small at the fish farm but when i put it into my tank it spread to so big.... does anyone have a smaller one to swop with mi?? pix attached below
  7. erm, how i noe is there too much or too little light??
  8. Hi all, My live rock colour seems to have faded, is not as red colour as it was at the beginning when i bought it. do anyone knows what had happened? and what can i do or anything i should take note of??
  9. hey all, almost 1 week after tat day i remove the aggressive damsel out and put it back, they are living together peacefully now^^ hopefully will remain this way forever
  10. Hi all, thanks for all the advise. i tink i wont be adding anymore fish due to my small tank, 1 maroon, 2 blue damsel 2 hermit crab and 2 cleaner shrimp should be enough for my 2 feet tank. the nite before yesterday, i finally caught hold of the aggressive damsel and isolate it for 1 day. today morning i put it back and now both can get along quite well, i think shouldn't be a problem like what Dispar_anthias said, my blue damsel is the Blue Devil species......hopefully they dun really transform into a devil once again, thanks everyone. Have a nice day
  11. Hi, last sunday i just bought 2 x blue damsel. i had introduced both fish together into the tank and today when i was feeding them, i noticed something. 1 of the damsel became very territorial which i think caused the other damsel to be stressed. it doesnt take any food and also had became lighter in colour. moreover, it was been chased around whenever the other damsel sees it. i tried to remove the more aggressive damsel but it's to small and quick, cant even reach it before it hide into the holes of the rock. i was thinking of removing the poor fish but i do not have a spare tank.... can someone pls advise
  12. Hi, juz to clarify something. - my tank is already mature and i not keeping this anemone cos my mom dun allow mi to on the lighting 24hr, she said electricity bill will be high. - the anemone is still in good condition, and it had ate the shrimps which i fed it. - i'm still new in this hobby and i dun noe the price of the cleaner shrimp in the 1st place, sorry if i ask for too much, maybe 1 cleaner shrimp or like spicyball said, 2 clown fish, i willing to change before i decide to release it back to the sea.... - so those interested juz pm mi, those not interested pls bear with mi..... have a nice day^^
  13. btw, i had alreadi planning to release it back to the wild if no one wanted to exchange. juz wan to check out if anyone interested before i put it back onli........
  14. Hi, i have a carpet anemone available, reasons for exhange is i'm not expert enough to keep it, scare it will die under my hand. my contact is 94885875, live in tampines.
  15. btw, may i noe wat should i feed it with? is there things to take note when having this in tank?
  16. btw, if i keep it with crown fish, will my crown be safe???
  17. haha, i went fishing at pasir and it bite my hook-.-!
  18. Hi all i went fishing today and caught this bugger by surprise.... at first i tot is abalone(pix 1) , then when i brought home to put into my tank, it open up to became this beautiful green creature! does anyone knows wat is this? is it dangerous or poisonous?
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