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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Ok the decision is made after much thought I will start sandbed removal tonight
  2. Well, firstly, if my thread has caused much problems to the regular reefers, I am honestly sorry. I had started this thread to hear views on the topic and a bad outcome was truely unexpected. As many have noticed, I had titled this thread with a question. I did not title it as "We must move on". My ultimate expectation is to receive views as SRC is made up of all of us members. If the final verdict is that we have to stay at this stage, I am totally agreeable to it Lastly, if this thread had caused many more incidents of flaming and defamatory remarks in other threads, I would really want to express my apologies. The Moderators are free to close or delete this thread if need be to prevent more cases of flaming. It is a sad outcome
  3. Yes, I agree with the point which bro Gouldian mentioned about the batches of reefers coming and going. It's rather disheartening when people abuse their posting rights to do some damage and suddenly disappear, leaving the others to clean up. I guess it's a common attitude of majority of Singaporeans to abuse what had been given free to them. Do you think all this would have happened if there was to be a membership fee? Think about it I am not sure whether these inconsiderate people do visit other forums where the freedom of posting is much more slack but as long as SRC is concerned, I do advocate the strict posting rules so as to keep the threads "clean" Actually this topic had been discussed before in AT's posting of "A Long Hard Look At Ourselves". SRC was started with a goal of promoting responsible reefkeeping and cater to the reefers out there. Therefore, I think that everyone has to spare SRC a thought and not ruin the good image of the club. If you check out the very first posts in every forum by the pioneers of the club, you can see the harmony and friendship inside and that flaming and defamatory remarks are almost non-existent. Let us all take another look at ourselves and think over what we might have done wrong
  4. Well, I would like to hear more views from more ppl before we reach a verdict Yes bro cyclop had captured what I am trying to express, that everyone has different levels of reefing. Its only until we know which we belong to that we can further discuss this topic. And just to let you guys know, this topic is not only about me. It's about the very first suggestion I have made so if need be, pls refrain from targetting all my posts unless it is crucial. Everyone's comment is appreciated
  5. I guess the gist of the issue here is how we reefers look at our hobby Are we those who try to come up with new ideas and try out new ways of reefing? Or are we those who associate ourselves with the attributes that come with certain "levels" of reefing? eg. SPS reefing---expert reefer Or are we those who follow what others do or a standard protocol and just sit back and look at our creation Or do we have a certain meaning to our hobby? eg. Propagation to save reefs Which one are we, this is the question we must ask ourselves And I truely hope that the disclosure of my age will not affect the seriousness of every post I have made and I hope that my feedback will not be taken more lightly but with the same weightage as everyone else
  6. Yeah but my tank is still quite empty Thanks for following my tank thread.... I appreciate it!! Any more views on the sandbed removal?
  7. I would go for ozone with an ORP controller
  8. Ok.... we are drifting off the topic again. For new posters, I am quite sure that SRC has come to an agreement on public flaming of specific persons so pls refrain from that. As I've said, I would not want to bring up the Aquarama issue but I used it as an example so let's just keep that at the back of our heads ok?
  9. I've got lots of them in my overflow Think they're some sponge or tunicate or hydroid
  10. You think my purple one will colour up? From what I see, it's the base that is purple but the brown polyps make it look like a chocolate bar
  11. I am going to make a big decision and I would need your views I am intending to remove my sandbed in my refugium as I cannot make the time to keep repopulating my infaunal population and also to facilitate better water movement for the chaeto I will still be growing chaeto in the absence of a sandbed to help in nutrient export and would still stabd on the side of sandbeds as an efficient nutrient export. Sandbeds are very good if you know how to maintain them but until I am again able to provide a steady stream of infauna, I would go for a bare bottom refugium so as not to let the sandbed be a burden to the overall health of the reef. But I would still appreciate some views on this decision before I actually execute it so pls help
  12. Haha...your tank got so many nice stuff, how to notice?? Cool, at least I know that there are pink ones around Thought that digitatas only come in purple, orange and green
  13. And the orange spotted specimen I got was an echinophyllia and not an echinata Thanks for the bro who corrected me
  14. I have them on for 12 hrs on reverse photoperiod And I may be getting some new stuffs over the weekend so stay tuned
  15. Yeah, I've never seen a pink digitata before. Is that pic when the polyps are retracted?
  16. Just checked for you bro, it's definately coralline The chaeto is growing so fast that when I prune half a basket, it grows back after a week. Would hold sales soon after I have enough stock
  17. I use those 3M ones that can be bought at 7-eleven Comes in small tubes though
  18. Really, if anyone willing to buy a mesoscope, or maybe we share the cost, it will be great to spot these pests. Not forgetting taking the ultimate macro shots
  19. Palytoxin again... Symptoms include loss of taste
  20. I think that's probably coralline The small patch behind it is definately some algae which is slowly disappearing from my tank. I got it unexpectedly from a frag which had some of it Pic of my skimmer cup plate I cannot imagine how people can run skimmerless
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