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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Haha...the green ones are some filamentous algae which bloomed out of control after the removal of the sandbed. The detritus even settled on them Hope my foxface and tangs clean it up soon. Also thinking of getting some hermits too
  2. And the grand finale Full red acanthastrea lordhowensis :wub: I'll take a pic tomorrow when it's expanded
  3. Look carefully... those are red coralline Anyway, got some lord frags too!!
  4. And I also got this red echinophyllia with white spots
  5. Got some new frags today Here's a purple rim cap. A bit browned out but its expected to be like the Leng Sy cap
  6. Anemones are really difficult to keep unless you have good water quality and good lights. I suggest you do not try anemones until your water parameters improve and read up more about them
  7. Yeah stags grow fast too You can try some water changes till you lower the Ca levels
  8. Those tunicates are very difficult to keep due to their feeding requirements Looks like its doing great!!!
  9. I was asking the same question before for my CR You can get it at AquaMart
  10. Finally you have changed your lights Good luck on the sales
  11. Well, I guess you could start with some monti cap or digitata frags first. They are quite indestructable IMO But that doesn't mean that you do not take good care of them
  12. From my personal experience, placing some wool even in systems with powerful skimmers do help in a way. I am running a Beckett and my wool would turn brownish every day. Just remember to change it very often. I change mine everyday
  13. Yep, I agree to what bro RAV-65 has said. As a daily poster, I can also tell that these incidents do not sprout out that often. It's those incessant flamers who can't seem to stop their rantings that irks me sometimes. But in the end, let us be gracious people and think twice before posting.
  14. Haha... I can give you a frag of it of you want Now looking for some more SPS to cover up some spaces. Suddenly developed a fetish for milleporas. Anyone has frags can PM me
  15. Yeah I guess so. I will probably have more advantages over the other applicants since the Head Operations used to be my former teacher
  16. Really thanks to you guys who have encouraged me, guided me and helped me Yep, my exams are top priority. Meetings will be after that
  17. Hi guys, got an invitation to join the NCDCC (National Civil Defence Cadet Corps) as a Cadet Lieutenant. Wonder if I should accept the offer or not. Being a pioneer in this new CCA would mean that I have to do all the planning and stuff for the cadets till they are qualified to be NCOs?
  18. Well, I did suspend some detritus which had settled in the sandbed so when it decomposes, it generates nutrients. Hope my skimmer can take it
  19. Major frag exchanges would be great I was thinking more along the lines of tank visits, LFS visits and frag trades (if we can have raffles then it'll be better ) Coffeshop chit chat is also a good idea And just a little off topic to address the issue of me giving the "excuse" of taking a major exam. I do understand that many people would consider "O" levels a piece of cake now but as for me, my level of maturity makes this exam very difficult for me. I believe, when I reach my tertiary education, I would too consider "O" Levels easy. Therefore, I would want to say that I am not taking this as an excuse but I do hope that you guys spare a thought for me
  20. Sure...sure Would need all the help I can get
  21. There is Lit in "O" Levels but I am not taking it Ok, now let's take a long, hard look at ourselves
  22. Finally after 2hrs of gruelling sand removal, I have managed to remove all sand from my refugium. Now my tank is so cloudy that I think the fishes can get lost. Would be expecting algal blooms for the next month
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