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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Nah I invited him to join and share his knowledge not only as an aquarist but also as a coral farmer I also got a clinch that we will be meeting him soon
  2. Haha thanks What are the pivotal differences between the needlewheel and foam head anyway? Of course not considering the thing itself
  3. Colonial tunicates? Can post a pic?
  4. Haha its going to be a hit or miss. I will be using the dimensions of current existing needlewheels and modifying them a bit (probably taller) I also have another reefer with lots of experience with me on the project so we'll see how it goes ya?
  5. Get a weipro, those will be adequate and affordable enough
  6. Haha wonder who was the ingenious guy who noticed the foam hard and put in on a skimmer But until now, I still cannot bring myself to accept the fact of spending so much for a needlewheel pump. For the verdict, we must wait till I build the monster skimmer in around 2 months time
  7. Ok I think I am getting it So back to the design of the BK, any other points to add?
  8. Ha Anthony, you finally joined us as a member after my invitation yesterday (man that was fast!) We look forward to your valuable knowledge and guidance Welcome to SRC!!!!
  9. Yeah maybe but I am somehow inclined that if a skimmer does not pull out anything, then it is not as efficient. Nutrient levels are also an indicator but it is also affected by many factors too. The most fundemental proof of a skimmer's worth is its ability to produce consistent, DOC laden gunk right?
  10. Hmm I personally find that the blues and purples tend to hold better in my 10k than my previous 14k
  11. Did you read my article on sandbeds? It might give some insight
  12. Mantis shrimps are really hard to catch but you can try making a trap for it. If you know the hole it stays in, you can squirt some kalk paste and catch it when it jolts out Just a guage for the difficulty of catching one: I had to use a vacuum cleaner to the highest power to suck out a 3cm specimen in my previous 2ft
  13. Looks like some sort of sponge to me
  14. Well said ckevin This is the type of comment I am looking for
  15. Well we cannot deny those who have been in this hobby and decided to give up due to reasons like new work commitments or even having a new responsibility in the family. But the people in focus now are those who jump in and give up in a month or two simply because they cannot properly maintain their systems. There is no doubt about it as it is already evident if you look through the Pasar Malam forum. And of course many are under the influence of Finding Nemo that they start this hobby under impulse. Since SRC is supposed to help these people and pass on the knowledge of responsible reefkeeping, why are there still so many people dropping out and not being able to learn from the thousands of posts made here?
  16. Hole getting bigger and bigger.... Actually a single MD55 would be quite enough already unless you really have a piping design problem
  17. Dig those worms out of the humilis quick and epoxy over them. If you don't know how to do it can ask weileong
  18. What type of tubes is he using? Those bluer ones or those white ones?
  19. Agree on this. Get a better skimmer to make sure that no more DOC decomposes into nutrients and do water changes. And why are you using a freshwater test kit?
  20. Thought Vincent said he already has a unit?
  21. Water changes cannot be your only way to tackle nitrates as it can only dilute them but there would still be traces of nitrate prevalent. How about considering other methods in addition to water changes that can remove or control nitrates. Some examples are Zeovit, DSB, Macroalgae, etc. Each has its own pros and cons so do read up about them and make a wise decision
  22. I know of a reefer who had great growth using a single 250w 20k bulb in his 2ft cube. The growth rate as he described is more than what the BLV 10ks are giving me. Is there any general classification of which types of SPS are more suited to which type of lighting (intensity not taken in here)?
  23. Heard that LR curing is best to add some phyto to generate those zooplankton and life in those rocks
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