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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. It's starting to look like a carpet anemone to me
  2. Well said Andy "The best way to learn is through experience" ~Dickson
  3. Mr Crabs, I remember you saying that you want to come for the meeting to learn new things right? I can see that you are a dedicated new reefer with the interest at heart. It is good that you enjoy this hobby, just like everyone else. I do not have much free stuff for you but I do cut up my mushies if I'm free and maybe you would fancy a frag. Things do not come cheap for this hobby and there is an initial investment you have to put in so that your LS will thrive. There is an article in the beginner's forum breaking down the costs of this hobby and you might want to take a look at it. And come for our meetings and gatherings to make new friends and learn new knowledge. When you have the time and money, go for overseas conferences such as the IMAC and MACNA to learn more advanced "aquariology". But for now, save up a little and do careful planning on how you want your system to go
  4. Haha not stopping la Just that since he is gone, comments to him will be left unheard And this affects the threads in this forum
  5. I think we should let the comments stop No point talking to someone who's not even going to read them right?
  6. They probably come from budding The most difficult corallimorph I've encountered by far are the yumas They seem to like being solitary polyps
  7. Haha Fuel, you got that wrong I searched the net and I found only 1 match Ricordia acrylica
  8. Yes, they will extend when you do not have sufficient lights for them Mine extended when I had my 150w halides and became really short after i blast them under the 250w
  9. I still have ppt going on in my FR with the rowas Think it's due to the fact that I connect it with my CR Anyway, rowaphos are good and worth the investment Why let algae eat up your whole reef which you spent loads on when you can curb it using a fraction of the cost
  10. But take note that the Sally Lightfoot crabs are also known to eat coralline algae and small fishes
  11. Ok, he's gone now Let the comments stop here k? Happy Reefing!
  12. Looks like some anemone Maybe a giant aiptasia or manjano
  13. Hey, please refrain from insulting others using such crude words I do have to agree with the others here to advise you to think more sensibly and maturely. What you have done is not inpardonable and even AT has given you enough grace to let you start all over and turn over a new leaf. But if you continue this incessant lying and cheating, everyone will get back at you. Do not underestimate this forum as I had experienced private confrontation by some members before in the past. Don't think we can't do anything to you Now the decision is yours, if you want to stay, we welcome you as long as you agree to repent. If you want to leave, please do so and stop anymore postings
  14. We have the rainbow, superman, sunset.... Now let's welcome The Hulk
  15. I've never seen an abalone that's 1.5cm long Baby one maybe
  16. What disturbs me is not that he had cheated us time and again but more as to how he treats the fishes. These fishes are mostly wild caught and after transfer from the distributor to the LFS and finally they make it into his hands and get treated badly and then he sells them again, adding to the stress He should read my sig
  17. Just poke it through the flesh and into the chip I've seen it done on LR before
  18. Well for those reading this, I really hope it'll be a lesson learnt I'm an administrator for my class forum and I must say, as a cautionary note, that the administrator can see everyone's IP and everything about the account. So if you think you can create a new account and get away with it, think again And I really pity those clownfish. After hearing his "husbandry", I truely doubt that they are in at least a bare minimum of living conditions
  19. Man that's wierd!!! I've never seen anything like that before
  20. Can get a more focused pic? Looks really cool
  21. Yeah something like that Which brands of supplements have this feature?
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