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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Haha thanks, ya I'm looking for Red Sea sailfin (don't really know where it comes from so gave the scientific name )
  2. Just want to sidetrack and describe a small experiment I did with a R. florida I wanted to see whether I could force the ric to split by giving it stress so I positioned the ric vertical on a piece of rock such that it is actually drooping down And from observations, that ric had actually spilt in approx. half the time taken for my other ric to split. I know it is a rather unfair experiment but it was quite amusing how the "mouth" had actually stretched to the extent that it splitted Now I'm going to try this again but using both frags for a more accurate experiment
  3. According to him, he just lost his sense of taste
  4. I'll be starting a project to completely "refurbish" and "renovate" my refugium to be a full fledged frag growout tank Stay tuned!!!
  5. Haha Anthony Calfo got poisoned by palytoxin 3 times But for safety reasons, always wear gloves when propagating or handling them
  6. Here's the link: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-01/nftt/index.php A truely inspirational story indeed A good read for coral propagators and generally for all reefers too. Very motivational expecially when you see that the brain coral is on the brink of death but never gave up and with the help of it's owner, it had recovered and transformed into a truely awesome piece!!
  7. I saw many people getting the N70 just now at the SingTel shop (went to get my VS6) But feedback from my cousin who just bought hers a week ago, she said that it is not really that user friendly But the screen is big and is a 3G picture phone, I find it rather good for those who are not the really high end users and not really the low end users
  8. A question for poly divers (if there are any out there) Do you guys get discounted rates or are the rates as per normal?
  9. Oh man, now you got me into the urge to go for diving courses Bon Voyage
  10. Hey gunzo, what's your bioload like? That's some nice skimmate you got there. You might want to try cleaning the gunk build up in the collection cup every other day or so. I find that it actually helps in improving skimmate removal
  11. If I'm not wrong, you just dip them in hot water
  12. 10 PBT? Don't think even Underwater World has that many
  13. SRC bowling competition, sound like a good idea!! I think AT bowls too
  14. Basically I think it is sort of a balance. With low lights, the zoox population increases as there is more demand for photosynthetic activity. With high lights, zoox population decrease as the rate of photosynthesis reaches a saturation point and anything above that will lead to a shutting down of the zoox There is no possible way to know the best lighting level so I think experimenting on various light levels might be the only solution.
  15. Hmm timing, will take note of that Anyway, I heard that the follow through has some impact on the speed. How is that so?
  16. I think the dulling might be due to an increase in zooxathellae For me, a rule I follow is the more colours a colony of zoos have, the brighter the light needed to sustain the colours
  17. My dad presents his version which is the salmon pieces on top of a bowl full of crushed ice I find that rather nice as the slices are so cooling to eat!!
  18. I used to have this colony of orange centered zoos when I had it under 150w MH Then when I changed to 250w MH, this colony actually changed to a nice baby blue with pink mouth!!! Maybe your lights are not bright enough?
  19. I use my own ball to do spins which I will usually do in the first few games I get good revs though but if I do it too fast, it will go out of target and if I do it too slow, the pin action is just not enough
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