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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. You should know that anthias need to be fed very frequently the whole day. They feed on planktonic foods like brine shrimp or cyclops
  2. I still do not see the practical use of the LR setup at I#ar*a as they place the LR in a compartment where water just flows through them. Isn't this just like a filter wool? And how much time will the bacteria be able to react to the chemicals?
  3. Phyto=Phytoplankton Phytoplankton=Microscopic plants that many organisms derive their food from. As they say, nutrition form the top of the food chain
  4. yep phyto encourages bethnic creatures to grow from their larval stage in your LR did i mention organic concentration?
  5. You may want to read my article on sandbeds here: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=21854&hl=
  6. Hi guys, just a short update: I am going to convert my sump into a refugium ###### frag growout tank. I have since gained the confidence of my parents to sponsor me the necessary stuff for it through my success from mushroom propagation. About the cryptic system, I will still set that up using my old 2ft but that might happen only next year. And good news to reefers out there, after I have collected different strains of various corals, I might consider selling the fragged/propagated specimens at low price or even give free So give me your support by donating any frags or specimens so that I have a brood stock for continuous supply Till tomorrow, gd night guys
  7. According to RC, some setups take just a few weeks to have a nice amount of those organisms. One disadvantage might be that you may need increased phyto concentrations to encourage them to grow
  8. Zeovit? Go to the SPS forum to find out
  9. Well your content does not seem to contrast with the topic Anyway, I use a sicce idra 1300lph pump to drive my previous weipro 2011
  10. If you are looking into a "lightless" refugium, you might want to consider cryptic systems. Basically you want to grow sponges, tunicates and other organisms that do not like light. More info can be found here: www.dynamicecomorphology.com
  11. I do not think that carbon release phosphate Might wanna check on that
  12. Well, if you can find a way to combine style with $$, then i am sure you will be flooded with reefers
  13. For me, it depends on the usage, overall appearence and service If it does not look at least decent, I will not pay My father loves people who are able to socialise and be friendly and not keep promoting their stuff Best is if it is a heat conducting material I am not particular about the materials used For me, I would definately want to have external ballast I personally prefer DE bulbs although it is not UV coated but a UV glass solves this problem YES!!!! Design and overall look is important for me Best of it is sleek, simple and sweet I prefer suspended setups as the height between the MH and the tank can be adjusted and it looks nice on the tank too But if you can make it optional for supended and sit on tank then its best If you mean supplement with blue tubes then i would say use NO tubes instead They bring the fluorescence better than any other tubes If you mean T5 for supplementing light intensity then I'll say why not Basically I look at the quality and appearence of the fixture Other factors would be the type of reflector used and the type of ballast But most important is the price as it decides whether i would take a second look at it
  14. you might want to think of other alternative media instead of coral chips they just trap detritus and add to your nitrate content if using canisters, I would prefer polyfilters, GAC and rowa/contra
  15. terryansimon: no offence, these are just some stuff that piss me off. I am not saying that these are wrong ryz: community meaning like stuffing all sorts of fishes together especially in a small tank maybe I was just feeling down yesterday:(
  16. that's dirt that collected on the surface when it is a dead spot or there is no overflow
  17. Well guys, just to share your pet peeves of certain reefers. For me: 1)Those reefers who think a captive reef is like a luohan tank 2)Those reefers who love to use common names and know nothing about scientific names 3)To add on to 2), those reefers who think of their own names for certain corals 4)Those reefers who want to set up a "community tank" in saltwater 5)Those reefers who love to follow set methods to set up a tank 6)Those reefers who show no exact interest in the hobby 7)Those reefers who are compulsive 8)Those reefers who want to stay in this hobby for about 2 years only 9)Those reefers who buy lifestock not knowing what are its requirements 10)Those reefers who put complete trust in a LFS
  18. you'll have to PM dr_evil for that And just a short list of stuff I will get in chronological order 1)FR for GAC 2)Calcium Reactor 3)Few more T5s if still got space 4)Better chiller And I will have to engage some help from some of you guys (you know who from the list) and all this will probably be over a stretch of 1 year Till then, I will still update on any new additions
  19. No offence but IMO, you should scape it yourself. There's no point in reefkeeping when you call people to help you to set your tank up for you. The fun is in the process of setting up and not just sit comfortably and enjoy a tank. And if you do it yourself, you will find that you will begin to like it more as they say,"Beauty lies in the hands of its beholder" So I urge you to do it all yourself and enjoy the process of setting up. You will not regret it
  20. Maybe not koiptiams but meeting at LFS seems to be popular overseas?
  21. Hehe..I can imagine Dr Evil's Lighting Systems Brighten up your life......
  22. Yup, the factors involved are just too much. But I personally think that we should always try not to worry our parents Therefore, I would now consider a no. 3 option 3)2x150w (Hilux) complemented with 4xT5 tubes with Resun CL650 chiller And by next year or when my chiller fails, then I will consider getting better ones. I got many more stuff to buy ya know!! And by then, I would engage dr_evil for help
  23. ah^siao: yep, I am going into SPS but not a full fledged one dr_evil: Thx for the offer, I will try to talk me parents into it So it seems that waiting longer for the second option is better Got to abstain from LFSing
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