BBS can be too big for certain corals so stuff like Golden Pearls are a better choice.
BBS are more suited to feed fish fry in conjunction with cyclops
DSB is affected by lighting to some extent.
The aerobic autotrophic bacteria requires light to synthesize food and together, takes up organic waste.
I do not really recommend FL as macroalgae will most probably crash if not given enough light
Seriously to me, cycling the water means that you establish a sizable bacterial population that is able to immediately tackle any ammonia, nitrite and nitrate additions.
Actually coralline detest prolonged exposure to bright white light as they thrive in deepwater regions where the light is dim and blue. Another factor you want to consider for coralline growth is magnesium content as they take in large amounts of magnesium in their tissues
U can try using rowa or contra to remove sillicate and remember to turn off the lights to prevent the diatoms from evolving into higher plants which can make their own food
yes, bad acclimatization will result in bleaching too because the coral is unable to change its zooxathellae to suit the current lighting.
In other words, the coral itself is starving to death
Cycling normally takes up to a minimum of 2 weeks and may also end up to months.
Remember to be patient and this will be the line between failing and success