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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Guess I missed a great shipment Even if I went down, my parents would not allow me to buy those gems They think its not worth the cash (they somehow have a discrimination for mushies) :cry: Flame Hawks maybe can be found but you gotta look hard As for ABT and royal gramma you probably have to wait till next year
  2. Just received a PM from him, its 4 digits (expected )
  3. Well we should be proud of your systems considering they originated from the same source
  4. My biggest record is 1cm length Still growing.....
  5. People even go to the extent of getting an RO/DI unit for their tanks so seawater is totally OUT for me
  6. The waters in Singapore's seas are silty and polluted. IMO its not a good idea
  7. That's one flat prata Upz for your sales
  8. Bro DB once taught me that you can use a cut out plastic bottle to over the frags, somewhat like feeding LPS. Maybe that will help you solve your problem? And I am always available to help anyone to my best extent, just post the qns here
  9. You cut the disk into pizza slices and not the whole specimen. The base will grow back into a new specimen.
  10. Haha, its splitting soon. I'll make some pizzas when it splits 2 more times k?
  11. its probably the algae has developed into a biomat and become more depndant on light than nutrients, maybe try reducing your lighting period?
  12. So how do you rate the T5s to your MH I can still remember the time when I was literally glued to your tank
  13. Although phosphate is a fuel for algae, but I reckon that other nutrients are in high levels in your tank. You can try to reduce the bioload and feed lesser. And you can also get snails (personally don't like them though) or any bristletooth tang to eat them all up.
  14. For more info about cryptic setups, you can start a new thread else I get flamed for going off topic
  15. Me staying in Blk 454 Dr 6 Blk 500+ sounds like alfa
  16. You should go look in other forums and learn more about water chemistry Here's a good source: www.advancedaquarist.com
  17. I know what you are thinking You might be thinking that since there is organism growth on the bioballs, there must be food for them and they will somehow balance out right? The fact that they grow there is due to several factors and yes, food is one factor. But as on the part that they balance out themselves, its not quite possible as they are not able to reproduce fast enough or be in numbers to make a substantial impact. In a cryptic refugium, no light is introduced and sponges, tunicates, infauna is allowed to thrive in there. And the whole system is also to cleanse the water of particulate matter, somewhat like a skimmer but the only difference is that it adds diversity to your system.
  18. The dedicated setup is the cryptic refugium i have been talking about Read more about it at www.dynamicecomorphology.com The critters do not "clean-up" whatever dirt there is but only take in the particulate that is suspended in the water column And its not that bioballs exposed to air is not good as there is no critters but because of the fact that due to the oxygen content in the air, aerobic bacteria colonise on the bioballs and nitrification starts. If you want "cleaners", then you should look at the infauna and not sponges
  19. As I mentioned, those critters are not able to make any substantial improvments unless you have a dedicated place to let them thrive. I'm not sure about the submerged/trickle views but as long as bioballs trap detritus and left there un cleaned, it will still become a nitrate factory. IMO, why go through all the trouble when your main goal is to culture bacteria which you can achieve with sand?
  20. That's part of the concept for a cryptic refugium (setting up soon) But the particulate matter that the sponges and tunicates take in is not as substantial than a good protein skimmer The main concern about bioballs are them trapping detritus which in tuen break down into nutrients. And although bioballs ment for bacterial colonisation, I do not think that it is a good place for infauna to reproduce and the detritus just stays there and break down
  21. Probably when you find the chiller isn't working as effecient as it should be Just like car aircon, when you turn to 5 and still not cold then have to topup gas
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