Just read the article and here are my views.
Firstly, we do not know the background of this maritime law lecturer and whether he is a hobbyist. And like what many have said, his revolutionary method of filtration using bacteria is actually a copy from the methods we know of now. I still can't believe that 15 students are working on this project with new intakes every year. They make it sound like a new poly course .
Anyway, you can see in the picture that the tank has so many clownfish and soft corals with a stressed squamosa. Yes, the water can be clean and clear but do they care about the LS? And they say that the method works when the bacteria converts ammonia into nitrates and then it stops there. Do they even bother to remove the nitrates?
And if the lecturer and his students think that their revolutionary setup is like top notch, the're probably going to faint when they see some of the TOTM winners here. And to think that they collaborated with a company to mass produce this system with sales over 4 million. Just imagine the number of people wasting their money adopting this method when they can easily replicate it using low cost stuff.
And what shocked me is that the lecturer said that it is nonsensical to buy expensive devices to maintain water quality and check the parameters and he explains a whole lot of crap about pH going down...blah blah blah. Hey there's lots more to it than pH bro.
And the most controversial and ambiguous issue is that he did not mention the water parameters of the tank running on his system. How then, do we know that the system is efficient? By just looking at the water?
I really hope this guy is informed of our club here and would come share his views. Anyone studying in SP mind to tell him of our existence?