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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Yeah, will be anticipating some new changes
  2. Hey guys, just want to promote the sport of climbing for those who have not tried climbing before or probably touched the wall a decade ago. There is a carnival called Climb On! Singapore held together with Fitness Asia exhibition at the Expo. During the event, there will be workshops and public tryouts so you can bring your family down and give climbing a shot! Don't worry about not having experience as it is not too difficult after all. And of course, safety is not compromised. If you feel that you are not suited for climbing, you can still head down on the 9th and 10th to give me support as I will be competing in the Under 18 School Category and Men's Speed competitions and will be judge for some of the competitions So come on down to take a look and the entrance is FREE Climb On! Singapore Date: 8,9,10 September (8th-workshops/tryouts, 9th-tryouts) Venue: Expo Hall 4B
  3. Just to say a happy birthday to you bro Celebrating it in Bali?
  4. I noticed mine seems to drastically slow down in growth if I don't prune them Well, I guess its trimming time now
  5. Haha yeah I remembered something like that while browsing through the poly newsletters. Well, I'm not sure whether Fuel have done lobsters before but if I'm not wrong, he's done a lot on shrimp
  6. Are you by any chance from the poly doing the lobster farming?
  7. Well, it was cancelled since many reefers here do not want it anyway But I heard he's coming down for Aquarama
  8. Don't post unecessary stuff just for fun
  9. Try increasing your S.G. to 1.025 I'd wait about another week or two if I were you. Just to let everything stabilise and run smoothly
  10. Hi guys, was wondering what happened to the bunch of chaetomorpha from last year's seminar. How well was it distributed? I remember people seldom sell chaeto before the seminar but now I've seen more and more people selling their chaeto. So let's do like a track back to where you got your chaeto from and see whether it originated from the bunch that came all the way from the States Just post the nick of that person you got your chaeto from and arrow your nick next to it. Anthony Calfo-->AT AT-->Blueheaven
  11. Its kind of impossible for nitrates to drop that fast if you ask me Maybe you'd like to test again
  12. Hi there bro Omar Wanna go climb your school's wall one day
  13. Finally got some time to post in my tank thread Nothing much to update though, just some more growth from my LS Now trying out Purple Up from CaribSea (heard that it is very potent Anyway, saw some nice tanks coming up so keep up the good work guys
  14. Couldn't post the pics cause my phone screwed up Anyway, the Climbing World Cup is THIS WEEKEND at Expo Hall 5 Admission is free so you guys who have free time might want to go down with your family or friends to watch the BEST CLIMBERS in the world challenge each other!! I'll also be participating in Climb On! Singapore '06 this coming September so I'll try to post better pics for that event
  15. Hi Francis, Firstly, you got to cycle your water first before adding any lifestock. It'll be quite long for me to explain the whole process but you can look it up easily. Basically, after your cycle, you can start to add fish slowly, as in maybe 1 per week. As for anemones, you got to note that they are NOT ADVISABLE for beginners as they require certain specific care requirements. Clownfish do not need an anemone to thrive Hope this helps
  16. 1) jacobus, TP 2) Sapp 3) Colin, NTU 4) Blueheaven TP 5) TntR2, NTU jacobus, you from TP too? I'm in Biotech year 1
  17. 1) jacobus 2) Sapp 3) Colin 4) Blueheaven
  18. I'll post more pictures tomorrow of day 2 Allez TPSC!!!
  19. At the end of the day all of us are 3/4 dead We won: Fastest climber in Southeast Asia Climbing Circuit - Syafiq 2nd fastest climber in NISCC Men's Open - Ilyas 3rd fastest climber in NISCC Men's Open - Imran Fastest climber in NISCC Women's Open - Sarah-Jean 3rd fastest climber in NISCC Women's Open - Nadya 2nd fastest team in NISCC Men's Open Team 2nd fastest team in NISCC Women's Open Team I didn't win anything but it was a fun and tiring day
  20. And our Captain Noor (that guy in the black jacket) Temasek Polytechnic Sport Climbers rox!!
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