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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Ok its decided and ordered I will be changing my MH to 250w and complemented by 2x54w T5s Was thinking of getting a wooden board and cut 2 rectancles to sit the fixtures, problem is I don't know what type of spacers to get Was thinking of glass but will metal do? Anyway, my green stag had grown about close to 1 cm now.... the others are still waiting for the growth spurt
  2. I think you are referring to the LEDs we use to stimulate moonlight Its easy to DIY it and I believe that you can find many websites that teach you how
  3. Granted but you have just wasted a life I wish I live in a luxury mansion
  4. I did try to feed myself to my RBTA some time ago And yes, I will be really careful in my management Got to think of a way to modify the chiller pipe so that nothing goes in again Was thinking of doing something like a betta box but only smaller to act as a shield from anything that might go in
  5. Yes Jaslyn, we are all here to help and guide you along the way One quote I always stick to: Learn from other's mistakes, you can't live long enough to make them Anyway, as with the other reefers have mentioned, its good to plan first before even go down to doing it. I had planned my tank for a year before the schematic diagram was drawn out. Its a long and boring process but its worth it. During this time, you might also want to look up on other reefing sites and read articles from megazines to keep yourself updated with the current technology and methodologies available which might also prove helpful in your plans. On planning, first do a basic design and keep working on it till you have found the most suitable and practical model. I changed my sump design from a 3 chamber to a 2 chamber refugium and then now to the racetrack design. Fianlly, budgeting is very important as you will find that upgrading will hurt your wallet even more. Do with the best you can afford and try not to skimp on some important equipments while purchasing other miscellaneous gadgets. There are many different setups and it is not a rule to follow other's designs and methods as most of the time they do not show the background work involved in maintainence. Read up, process the information and apply what you know into your ultimate design which you can better maintain. So good luck and I hope this piece of advise is of some help to you
  6. Ok I definately have learnt my lesson And yes, I am installing it now
  7. Yes, pure blue lights are a favourable condition for coralline growth Another important element is to have high magnesium levels as this is a major constituent in their tissues. Its not a big deal if your PBT pecks on coralline as there are many other strains of coralline you can grow. In my tank, there are pink, purple, red, orange, green and those which forms shapes identical to monti caps
  8. I did a serious mistake a few days ago Took out my RBTA because I wanted to sell it to make space for some SPS. As I was in a hurry, I just placed it into my refugium and went out Then, my parents called me to say that the water was cloudy and so I rushed back to check it out. As suspected, the anemone got sucked into my chiller pipe and shredded by the pump. Immediately tune up my skimmer to super wet and dug out the remains from the pump. Next, went to change my carbon and did a 50% water change. Casualties: That nice specimen which looked like a R. Florida STNed Most probably going to think of ways to frag that piece and trade it off for other frags Conclusion: NEVER PLACE AN ANEMONE IN YOUR SUMP!!!!! Final decision: That big sarcophyton elegans is going next
  9. Are you talking about the Durso standpipe? All you need is a pvc pipe, elbow and endcap For some pics you might want to check out bro roidan's old 4ft tank thread
  10. I do have a Dymax Hilux MH fixture for sale PM me for more details
  11. Granted but you have no place to put it I wish I can travel around the world for free
  12. Granted but they can be easily destroyed by a few missiles I wish I can be financially free now
  13. The alkalinity that we measure is actually the hardness of the water and its main constituents are bicarbonates. That's why you see some of us mention it as carbonate hardness. The measure of pH is actually the measure of the amount of hydrogen or hydroxide ions.
  14. Its not selling in Singapore. Your best bet is to get it from reefers who have them. Go on the net and do a search on chaetomorpha
  15. In kalkwasser, you add calcium hydroxide which gives you high pH and also provides calcium ions. Kalkwasser also precipitates phosphates out of solution. As for calcium reactors, their effluent is calcium hydrogen carbonate and some trace elements depending on the type of meida used. Basically it provides calcium ions and carbonate ions to boost your calcium levels and alkalinity. IMO, it is good to use a calcium reactor together with kalkwasser to get the best of both worlds while maintaining stable pH, calcium and alkalinity levels.
  16. That specimen is turning green in the centre with pink tips :wub:
  17. Granted but only for 1 hour I wish my tank never crashes
  18. Still trying to take my top down shots Can't seem to really focus though
  19. A. humilis from PR Somehow it has got a mystifying aura around it....or is it just me
  20. Tri colour frag This specimen has a yellow body, slightly greenish towards the tip and baby blue tips
  21. My new orange polyped digitata Looks like a hand though
  22. Didn't really go LFSing yesterday. Went to PR then went to many reefer's house
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