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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Oh that's sad...went all the way from west Anyway, I just managed to get a shot before the camera goes flat Its quite amazing how the T5s bring out the fluorescence in my rhodactis
  2. My finger bled and its a sort of stinging feeling DO NOT underestimate worms
  3. Darn, didn't do to Iwarna today Got no transport there and my mum scared of the road there Heard got lots of nice stuff there....anyone fragging pls tell me
  4. No kidding!!! Wish I had pictures to show you guys Well, dedicated water pump + 2x40w 6500k at 4cm distance = steroids?
  5. Posted in the wrong forum pls ask the mods to move this thread
  6. Actually these 3 holding days in my refugium, the chaeto had grown quite a bit I got it as a long bundle and now its one large bundle
  7. Close up of the ballast That's really scary
  8. Hi guys, recently my dad had to rush to his factory because one of the 400w MH had blown out and caused a small fire Here are some pics to share
  9. I ever read an article on sarcophyton eating bristleworms before Not to say, I've been bitten by one before
  10. Sure! Cannot take a pic now cause I am charging the camera battery Probably will try to post a pic before I leave today night for Iwarna
  11. Got a new toy today.... nothing to do with my tank
  12. They are very good snails as they move very fast and its good to keep algae under control. But if I were to keep any macroalgae in my refugium, I have to move them to my main tank first
  13. If you want to know how a venturi works, go see the bernoulli effect
  14. Thanks a lot for Eric, Veliferium and Kelmen for your pictures. I still need about 2 more and preferably with a top down of the sandbed
  15. After watching it for a few times, it looks kind of obscene Really cute!!!
  16. Its a perfect so both fixtures do not even move As for the ballast, its secure and will not drop into the water *touch wood*
  17. Its actually quite easy once you know what goes where The thing that took most of my time was the tidying up
  18. I just press and give it a really slight twist and then press again I think you did not hold the specimen long enough for the glue to actually harden
  19. Man, who knows what vile creatures might lurk in one of those specks!!!!
  20. I dap a large blob of superglue on the base and press, twist and press again If you do it correctly, you will see it forms a nice circular base for the specimen to encrust on
  21. I am still waiting for the system to stablise first before I add in the chaeto Currently the specimen is still in a basket in my refugium (its to prevent the moonsnails from grazing)
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