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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Last shot for the day (phew!) Blue's chaeto farm
  2. Another SPS shot Not a superman but its as close as it can be
  3. My secret to clean sandbeds This guy actually eviscerated 3 times!!!
  4. I advise you to be more patient and wait for the cycle to finish first Isn't it better this way?
  5. Can you count the number of zooxathellae spots?
  6. Putting my macro skills to the challenge!!!!
  7. Here's my favia Doubled in size since I got it!!!
  8. Ok enough of SPS Here's my favourite squamosa with my green cynarina
  9. Another frag from bro weileong It'll take ages to grow this guy into a colony
  10. Here's the brown turned purple specimen!!! Picture does not do justice to the colour though
  11. Hi, just to let you know that I used the same avatar as you once. Anyway, we do not recommend you use fish as a source of ammonia. This action is totally inhumane and the amount of ammonia you get is so minute. I suggest you use a market prawn and let it rot for about a week which will produce enough ammonia to knock you out (literally) Pls do read up more on certain LS as you seem to only buy them due to their looks. FYI, an anemone is a very difficult animal to keep alive in captivity and you should know that before you buy one. Hope you read up soon!!!
  12. I believe this is due to skimmer bubbles gaining an electrostatic charge due to the extra oxygen atom. This way, skimmer performance is improved and DOC is being skimmed out before they can break down into nutrients
  13. Didn't know a lawer also can have so many fans...
  14. Got a MAJOR problem here Was trying to remove the leather coral today and found out that it had actually stuck onto the rock!!!! Really need some help here on how to best remove it without too much toxin released (my digitata is right beside it!!) This is going to be my most difficult fragging operation yet!!!
  15. I will be at Popular in Tampines Mall to be part of the action. Anyone else cheonging books? (Got to be back by 10am cause got some guest coming to my place )
  16. Well, I think our ultimate goal is untedectable nitrates
  17. That is what I may be getting at the end of the year
  18. RM is basically quite good for me But if Joe can make the cup shorter, it'll be better
  19. Updates on a mille frag from a fellow reefer Got it brown (even the polyps are brown ) Today its bright purple with green corallites Only downside is that the polyps are still brown Hope the polyps will change colour
  20. Lets see whether I can help in a way 1) when can i intro fishes after i set-up my tank? Pls ensure that you have cycled your tank and water parameters are optimal 2) intro coral or fishes first? It depends on what typr of setuo you want 3) how can i ensure tat e LR tat i bought is clean? Basically if you see there is no algae growing on it and get the LR from a good supplier 4) is there a way 2 remove unwanted worms in e rock? Worms are quite harmless unless you got those giant bristleworms. You can inspect the rocks and see whether you can spot them. 5) hw many hrs do i hv 2 on my MH? Most reefers turn them on for about 8 hrs 6) wat is e best salt in e market rite nw? Different salts have their pros and cons so basically those commonly found in shops should be fine 7) hw often do i hw 2 wash my tank? Its best to do a water change per week and you can use an magnet cleaner to clean the glass everyday My advices are very vague so you must really go read up on the details
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