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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. I think it's not the steel but more on the minerals that forms there due to the electrolytic reaction. But I am still curious as to how these minerals can be taken in by the corals Most likely is that the minerals precipitate on the steel cathode and stay there. It's just like sticking frags onto coralline algae as they to contain calcium carbonate and even an increased level of magnesium I think it is a natural process as I do know of some reefs which was damaged and eventually grow back in half a year. Unless you are saying that you can pass a current through a frag so that the calcium carbonate precipitates on it. But anyone "gung ho" enough to try it in captive reefs, I think many would be interested to track it's progress
  2. Red House is close to my place There's also Ford Factory and Haw Par Villa Wonder if SPI is going to organise any outings
  3. Well, it'll be interesting to read some of the reports on the research being done As I like to say, sandbeds are good under good maintainence
  4. I mean do you use multi socket to plug both MHs together
  5. ) Vincent Ho - $20k ( at least, still got 5 feet tank coming up! ) 2) kschew1498 - $2k (2footer) + $5k and climbing! (New tank) 3) Bubblegum - below $400+(2footer) +$300(FOWLR upgrade to 3ft reef ) 4) ReDDevils - $5k + $1.5k 5) dradttg - $8k 6) minsmarine - $2.5k 7) lightningstrike - $12k 8) hammanbmw - $14K min dry.gif 9) dispar_anthias- $5k (give and take dun want to put too much) 10) blue.tang - $2K++ 11) weileong - $11K++(4ft excluding LS), $1.2k++ (2ft FOWLR excluding LS) 12) Patrick123 - $6k ( Still counting ) 13) Hon - $20k 14) giantbicycle - $1.3k ( Still burning! ) 15)decentkid - 3k ( still burning ) 16)klim - 1.8k (half pass 6, still upgrading) 17)weisoon - >$20K 18)Alfaromeo - $20k 19) acidjazz - 4.7k on main tank, 1.3k on fowlr 20) hotlemond - 4K(3 feeter, still burning..) 21) Lester - 4k ~ 5K ( 3footer, still throwing in ) 22) Dleecool -3K on tank and equipment + 2K on LR & LS (included dead LS) 23) Barnacle - more than $20k. inclusive tank,equipment,maintenance,food... etc 24)Flying carpet 3.5k - 4k (2x3 footer + 1 footer) 25) Tineng - 7k 26) Blueheaven - $8K (including LS and everything)
  6. Get it in mail order from the States
  7. Nice work Dan Gotta get my acrylic box made during the long break
  8. Check our plugs See whether there's an overload
  9. This is what happens when you free up all the detritus in your tank. Expected algal bloom to last for a week
  10. Moved down the echinophyllia as it kept dropping from the ledge
  11. Don't really understand what you mean but a protein skimmer basically removes DOC and prevents it from decomposing.
  12. Montiporas are SPS which require pristine and stable water parameters Not advisable for beginners
  13. Looks like the SPS eating starfish that was featured in GARF
  14. Tks for the encouragements Trying to get a macro lens soon to get closer pics Wonder how long it would take the acan to grow to substantial size
  15. Check out the full red acans under actinics!!! :wub: Noe competing with the zoos to be "Tank Idol"
  16. Black sea cukes do not eviscerate as exaggerated as the sea apples but when stressed, they do eject some blue threads or worse, the whole of their gut But do not worry about corals as their toxin are fish targetted and would not really affect the corals. Curiously, mine has eviscerated 3 time with no casualties
  17. Haha baby Artemas look just like daddy So I guess handsome dad, handsome child And congrats to sis Princess for her newborn. Hope you get back your figure soon after the birth
  18. They do not eat till they explode I think its their way of evisceration when they eject all their toxic organs to scare off predators
  19. I was thinking of making an acrylic box so that I can just stick the camera in to take those top downs You guys think it will work?
  20. Its clownfish FYI Anyway, anemones do not explode for no apparent reason Most likely it just waste away The only creature I have seen exploding are sea apples
  21. Check out my refugium as of now And that bid patch in the front is cyano The others are coralline
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