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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. 2 weeks? The changeout time for carbon is about a month
  2. Haha try keeping some skimmate and see whether they grow out But the chances of a clam fertilising itself is very slim
  3. Try feeding food with garlic juice
  4. Wouldn't ISO 400 give you a lot of noise?
  5. The other photographers who have attained nirvana also come share leh I would want to lean more too!!!!
  6. If you want to grow macroalgae to keep nutrients down, it's good to have a sump If you do not remove the caulerpa soon, you risk the chances of crashing your tank. Especially when you are not running 24hr lighting But then again, you might want to do water changes using DI water and good salt
  7. But if you don't prune caulerpa, it will crash your tank right?
  8. Thanks for the compliment Didn't notice my nick has an underscore though Anyway, I usually take pictures using macro mode on my DC I found that it is good to zoom in to maximum focus and then zoom in a little more I also use focus lock, which means the camera will not auto focus when I press the shutter For moving pictures, I use shutter priority mode and set the shutter speed to about 1/20 and turn on multi burst to infinity And for full tank pics, I use aperture priority and shoot without surrounding lights A good tip is to try not using any flash when shooting as it sort of makes the picture fake
  9. You might want to siphon the detritus from the sandbed
  10. Ok, will do that now Hope it solves the problem
  11. Next thing you know, you have ultras in your skimmer
  12. Wah you have so many snails in your tank?
  13. I am aiming at 8 Can tell me more about the calcium deposit?
  14. Need some help here I'm wondering why I can't seem to keep my kH high? CR effluent gives me more than what the test kit can measure and the level would still drop by 2-3 dKH Any ideas?
  15. Yeah I know that Its how clam farmers force their clams to spawn too
  16. Your zoos are cool Great camera skills too
  17. Nice work!!! I thought clams only spawn during full moon nights
  18. You can get DT's phyto but that will only feed the filter feeders For corals, you might want to try golden pearls
  19. Haha some PVC pipes can still be seen Any casualties?
  20. Good to hear that bro Keep up the good work and never give up
  21. Cheh So the operation was successful?
  22. Last pic for the day Love this "over the edge" look
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