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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. There's a mini SPS shipment in Harlequin Saw somw cream base purple polyped montis
  2. Haha... I'm using classical guitar so its not recommended for me to strum it. Now still learning some basic beginner songs like Leaving on a Jet Plane
  3. Haha... tml cheong day again Heard there's also a monti shipment somewhere (where's bro Jim)
  4. The change to a 6500k tube might spark off an increase in zooxathellae number and this turns your corals brown. White corals are very very likely to be bleached and much as they look pleasing to the eye, they are in very bad health. But if you are able to nurse a bleached coral back to health, you have done a greater good
  5. Hi Min, how did you calculate your tank's dKH consumption per day?
  6. If you have problems relating to coral fluorescence, then the 6500k tubes might be the cause. This is because the fluorescent proteins in corals are expressed by wavelengths in the blue spectrum. The 6500k tubes produce light that is nearer to the red spectrum than the blue spectrum and thus might make some corals look brown
  7. Anyone can teach me some basic fingerpicking patterns?
  8. Teeth at the overflow is important lest you want fish in there My prelims end around mid of next month and I have PMed you my number
  9. Hmm... not been there for quite sometime already Now still sourcing for SPS shipments Yeah we can meet up after my prelims (you got my contact right?)
  10. I know its kind of too late to say this now but I strongly do not recommend using submersible pumps. The reason is because they use water to cool down and you want your tank's water to be cool (ironic, I know) But no worries, when you use a chiller with more HP, you can tackle the heat
  11. Aiyo my tank is 2.5ft deep how to feed? Prec: Just chisel them off (I think) Blenny: Nice joke!! Haha
  12. Yep, its aquacultured by a reefer According to him, acans grow sideways (polyps appear on the sides) and fragging them can rapidly increase the polyp number The full red ones are still miserably small
  13. WOAH!!! I actually stared at it for half a minute awestruck
  14. But still maintaining the "kick" Another one of my "must-see"
  15. Wow, you got a new tank? Where's all the montis?
  16. Here's bro Blenny's chaeto lookalike growing in my refugium Still trying to contact TMSI to ask them whether they can help me identify the taxonomy of his and my chaeto
  17. Just saw 2 new polyps on my acan frag Who said acans are difficult to grow??
  18. Finally your tank has arrived!!!! Nice choice of the colour But what's with the green netting under the sandbed? You doing a plenum?
  19. Is that a blue mille? Been looking for those for quite some time. PM me where you got it k? And remember to feed your anthias, they'll be the main attraction
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